The results of UFV’s thoughexchange on vision

The results of the most recent thoughtexchange forum on UFV’s vision are now available online. Broad-based participation The thoughtexchange, which ran from January 8-23, attracted fewer participants than the November forum on values and mission; however, contributions continued to reflect a broad spectrum of the UFV community, with a very even split in participation among … Read more

Help shape the UFV vision — respond by Jan 23

There are only a few days left to be part the conversation on UFV’s vision. So far in this vision phase, we have 121 people who have contributed 169 thoughts online. Here’s a breakdown of who has participated in the discussion: Students 47% Staff 20% Faculty 15% Alumni 12% Community members 2% Other 4% Once … Read more

An update on UFV’s values and mission

At a recent town hall, President Joanne MacLean gave an update on the UFV visioning process. If you missed the town hall, you can watch it online. Here is a synopsis of where the vision process is to date. UFV’s core values Using community input gathered in November’s online thoughtexchange forum, the Visioning Steering Committee … Read more

Register for a visioning workshop

As part of the visioning process, UFV will be holding visioning workshops February 4-8, giving all UFV community members the opportunity to have a conversation about the future of our institution. Students, faculty, staff, alumni and UFV’s community partners are welcome to register in any of the scheduled 90-minute workshop dates. The room location and … Read more

Our vision thoughtexchange is now open

As we look to UFV’s future, we are asking for your thoughts about our vision. Please share your thoughts with our community through thoughtexchange, an online tool that will jump-start the conversation and help us create a compelling statements of UFV’s vision. Thoughtexchange will give you instructions that explain our process and how to navigate through … Read more

Sharing the results from thoughtexchange

The data and input from UFV’s first online forum using thoughtexchange has been collected and crunched: 648 people contributed 916 thoughts, and gave out an amazing 20,207 stars. Over the last four weeks, the Visioning working group has been busy sorting through your feedback and input and several major themes that have surfaced. These themes … Read more

Vision community conversation: first thoughtexchange wraps up

The first community conversation on UFV’s values and mission came to a roaring close on Wed, Nov 14. In its final week, we saw a groundswell in participation, and the thoughtexchange closed with 648 participants, 916 thoughts, and 20,207 stars given out. Initially, participation by faculty lagged that of students and staff; however, there was a spike … Read more

The UFV community conversation gains steam

Approaching the end of its first week with 12 days to go, the UFV community conversation on values and mission is picking up steam. As of Thursday, Nov. 1, 203 people had visited the thoughtexchange on values and mission. 81 people shared 271 thoughts and 5015 ratings were handed out. Students win week one Students … Read more

The vision conversation is beginning

We want to hear what’s important to you as we embark on the UFV visioning process. Please share your thoughts with our community through thoughtexchange, an online tool that will jump-start the conversation and help create concise and compelling statements of UFV’s values, mission, and vision. Thoughtexchange will show you an introductory video and give … Read more

Visioning: Our Roadmap to a Bright Future

The first phase of the process to create UFV’s new vision, mission and values starts on October 29. UFV will convene a community conversation around values and mission through an online forum running until mid-November with a separate conversation on vision in January. For more information, please watch the video below and then visit other … Read more