The vision conversation is beginning

We want to hear what’s important to you as we embark on the UFV visioning process.

Please share your thoughts with our community through thoughtexchange, an online tool that will jump-start the conversation and help create concise and compelling statements of UFV’s values, mission, and vision.

Thoughtexchange will show you an introductory video and give you instructions that explain our process and how to navigate through three questions in three simple steps:

  1. Share – answer open-ended questions about UFV
  2. Star – review ideas from other people and rate these by giving stars to each idea
  3. Discover – see what is important to the UFV community

Join the conversation now here, or if you would like detailed step-by-step instructions, they’re available here in the visioning hub.

This discussion on UFV’s values and mission in thoughtexchange runs until mid-November with a second phase on vision coming in January. Thank you and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.