An invitation to join a conversation about our future

from Joanne MacLean, President and Vice-Chancellor

UFV is built on our shared commitment to the university’s mission, our values, and our strategic directions. Because of this commitment, we have reached many milestones since our board of governors approved the current strategic plan in 2010.

As we approach the end of this decade, it’s time to build on our success and look to the future. We need to ask ourselves a few big questions:

  • What is our purpose?
  • What are the important values we share?
  • What future do we want for our university?

You have insight, experience, and wisdom and we need your help re-visiting and redefining our values, our mission, and ultimately our vision. This will provide our course as we set out on this next leg of our journey as a university.

You have already given us invaluable input into our values and mission this fall and now we’re asking for your thoughts on vision: