Update: 1030am Sat. Dec 18 – Exams proceeding as scheduled

Final exams are proceeding as scheduled. UFV is monitoring the weather and campuses will be open as scheduled.

Environment Canada has issued special weather statements for the Fraser Valley that predict a transition from snow to rain for most areas this morning – some eastern areas of the Valley may see a transition to freezing rain.

Please leave extra time for your commute to UFV if you have an in-person exam today and commute with extra care. Exercise judgement when making the decision to travel to UFV. 

If, after careful consideration, you make the decision that travelling to UFV cannot be done safely, contact your professor for their feedback through the channels of communication your class uses (email, blackboard etc.) before the exam.

Crews are clearing parking lots, walkways, and entrances.

Libraries at both the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses have hours posted on this schedule.

An update will be provided at 5pm Sunday, Dec. 18 at UFV.ca.

1 thought on “Update: 1030am Sat. Dec 18 – Exams proceeding as scheduled”

  1. We have faced so much uncertainty- a global pandemic, floods and unpredictable weather conditions. Throughout all this adversity faculty and students’ have went above and beyond. Good luck to everyone on their final exams and happy holidays!

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