Leave Reporting System Change

To increase the flexibility of the leave reporting system, leave requests are now optional. Departments may choose to continue having employees utilize this functionality or create their own approval system. Note: Departmental approval is still required prior to taking leave. Please follow your area’s procedure for requesting and approving leave if the leave request functionality … Read more

Staff Educational Leave Application Deadline is October 31, 2023

If you are a staff member planning on submitting an application for educational leave for fall, 2024 or winter, 2025 the deadline is fast approaching.  The staff educational leave program is an amazing benefit for employees who wish to further their education. Learning is significantly linked to happiness and career growth, so we are very … Read more

Fall, 2023 Employee Fitness Challenge Kicks Off September 1, 2023

Welcome to another exciting fitness challenge! I have planned lots of great activities for us this semester. But let’s start with the big one, the 1,000,000 step challenge! We are going back to our roots! In 1998 I developed and ran our first Employee Fitness Challenge program and it was very successful. The program ran … Read more

Winter, 2023 Learning & Development Series

We are looking forward to a new year and hope that we can offer you some sessions to help  you fulfill your resolutions! Maybe you want to improve your technical skills, or maybe it’s time to focus on your health and well-being. But whatever your goals are for 2023, your Human Resources department is here … Read more

My Professional Development Journey – Dr. Glen Baier, Associate Professor, Philosophy

My professional development activity consisted of a presentation of a paper at the 27th International Conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society at the University of Dundee in Dundee, Scotland. The Friedrich Nietzsche Society is an international and interdisciplinary organization and participants in the conference came from all over the world to attend. The title of the … Read more

My Professional Development Journey — Paula Funk, Academic Advisor

Exactly two years ago in October 2020, I had an epiphany while taking a PD course at JIBC called “Lead Yourself First”:  I wanted to level up my advising skillsets, but not with the traditional Masters of Advising pathway. It was time for an alternate credential, and it was going to be in the field … Read more

Access your Professional Development Funds Today!

Hi there. I hope everyone has settled just fine into the new academic year and is now looking forward to the holiday break! But don’t forget to start thinking about what professional development activities you’d like to pursue, as you have until March 31, 2023 to access this fiscal year’s funds. Jim Kwik once said, … Read more

Fall 2022 Learning & Development Series

Welcome back to campus everyone — we’ve missed you! We are pleased to offer you some great learning and development opportunities this fall semester. Building & Sustaining Workplace Mental Health and Performance Beyond the Great Re-Set Join Lori Schmidt, Debbie Pearmain, Victoria Grainger and Tyler Hoffman as they share workplace mental health predictions and practical … Read more

Service Improvement Training Fund Available for Staff Employees

Calling all staff teams interested in additional training and development to enhance the UFV student experience!  Did you know that UFV has a Service Improvement Training Fund (SIT Fund), distinct from individual PD funds, available for staff employees for specific types of training and development activities? The SIT Fund provides funding for groups of staff … Read more

Encouraging Health Behaviour Change — Creating Health Habits Series post #1

Submitted by guest blogger Amber Johnston, School of Kinesiology There are several things that one has learned from the last three years navigating through a pandemic. At the forefront is the importance of our health and wellbeing.  We can determine our health in many ways — where positive, successful behaviour change influencing our decision making … Read more