UFV Unite – Wrapping up our Walk Across Canada Challenge

Colleagues — what a journey it has been over the last twelve weeks. Our goal for our UFV Unite page was for our staff and faculty to connect and engage with each other while remembering the importance of exercising the body and mind. We sure enjoyed doing just that and hope we inspired you to get out there and move when sometimes it would have been easier to stay on the couch — thank you to all who have been a part of our group. While we are taking time away from structured units and programming over the summer, we will have our group available for your posting and viewing pleasure! We encourage you to stay in touch — maybe plan a hike or paddle with fellow co-workers. Don’t forget to post your pictures and comments from your summer adventures for us all to enjoy!


Before we wrap up for the summer, some may be wondering how far we have made it on our Walk Across Canada Challenge? We will be announcing our final step count at our Summer Kick-off BlueJeans Party on, Tuesday, June 30th, with prize giveaways and interactive activities, but it is also a chance to catch up with our fellow co-workers and celebrate all the movement we have done together this Spring. Add it in your calendar here. Although we may not have walked all the way to St. John’s, it sure was motivating over the month of June (maybe you can try to see how far you get over the summer).

At this time our Athletics and Campus Recreation department doesn’t quite know what our programming will look like in the Fall but stay tuned as we will be in touch late August. If anyone has any ideas or feedback please send it our way at campusrec@ufv.ca. Have a wonderful and safe summer everyone.

Submitted by guest blogger Stacie Dixon, Facilities Operations Coordinator, Athletics & Campus Recreation