Spring 2020 Online Workshops – Week 7

We are excited to offer you another week of educational and interesting online workshops featuring a wide range of opportunities from an informative and thought-provoking discussion on the history of pandemics to positive parenting techniques during COVID-19. You are encouraged to register for any sessions that you feel would benefit you personally and/or professionally. Have a wonderful week everyone and stay strong!

Week of May 25

Cultivating Presence
This is a workshop geared to support personal wellness practices of the mind, body and soul. Join us for a session that will cover practices that support stress and mental health from a holistic view of the body considering mindfulness, nutritional and emotional support. We will walk away with an understanding of how to bridge these practices into our self-care repertoire to build a stronger body and self-reliance.

DATE & LOCATION: May 27, 2020 1:00 PM — 2:00 PM

FACILITATOR: Kate Horsman, RHN, Mindfulness Practitioner and Counsellor

REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cultivating-presence-tickets-106279117702


Unprecedented Times? — Socio-Cultural Responses to Pandemic in Historical Perspective
Media coverage of Covid-19 makes much of the extraordinary circumstances in which we are now living. It seems no one can go a day without hearing or using the word: unprecedented. But is this true? Please join UFV faculty Michael Corman and Adrianna Bakos for a brief presentation, followed by open discussion that considers both historical and contemporary cultural constructions of the pandemic narrative. Questions include: why do we need an “Other” on whom to hang blame for an outbreak? What do the particular characteristics of the blamed “Other” reveal about the cultural anxieties that plague a given community? And is pandemic disease the socio-cultural disruptor we never knew we needed?

DATE & LOCATION: May 26, 2020 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

FACILITATOR: Michael Corman and Adrianna Bakos

REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unprecedented-times-socio-cultural-responsesto-pandemic-in-historical-perspective-tickets-106279328332


Train Like an Athlete                                                                                                                     

In this session, Shauna will be talking about the benefits of having a personal coach are and will also be leading you through one of her curated workouts. Shauna is an alumni of UFV who attained her bachelors degree in Kinesiology in 2017. She is now a year into her Masters degree at the University of British Columbia studying coaching and leadership sciences in Kinesiology. She has worked with various demographics, from physical rehabilitation clients, to the general population, to varsity athletes.

No specific equipment is needed, so anyone can join! If you have weights or bands great, if not, no big deal! Remember, to dress in clothes you can move in and that you have 360 degrees of clear space during the workout portion of the session.

You must fill out the linked PARQ form and return completed form to shaunapearce17@gmail.com prior to the start of the session.

DATE & LOCATION: Wednesday, May 27, 2020from 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM  Online, Bluejeans: https://bluejeans.com/770218604

FACILITATOR:  Shauna Pearce



Did you Gain Weight During the COVID-19 Lockdown?
Now that restrictions due to COVID 19 are lifting, many are realizing an unwelcome gain in weight/fat some are calling the “COVID-20”: the 20 or so pounds you’ve put on in the past two months. In this webinar we’ll look at why that happened and how a ketogenic diet can help you lose all that fat and more – and help protect yourself from COVID-19 in the process.

Please join colleague, Dave Harper, author of BioDiet: The Scientifically Proven, Ketogenic Way to Lose Weight and Improve Your Health, where he’ll explain how to safely adopt a ketogenic diet.

DATE & LOCATION: May 28, 2020 from 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

FACILITATOR:  David Harper



Credit Counselling Society’s – Making Cents of Money
During this webinar you will learn the 7 steps to budgeting which will help you take control of your finances and give you peace of mind.

DATE & LOCATION:  May 29, 2020 from 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM

FACILITATOR:  Anita Moore, Credit Counselling Society

REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/credit-counselling-societys-making-cents-ofmoney-tickets-106280399536


The Gut Microbiome and its Effect on Health
The microbiome is the collection of mirco-organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses) found within our GI tract and has a profound impact on human health, with many studies indicating effects on anxiety, parkinson’s, asthma, allergies, obesity, children’s health and even skin cancer. Learn about how the cells in our gut, which outnumber the human cells in our bodies, effect our risk of developing certain medical conditions and how you may be able to help prevent some these conditions by improving the status of the bugs in your gut.

DATE & LOCATION:  May 29, 2020 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM

FACILITATOR:  Dr. Joanne Menard, Naturopathic Physician at Restorative Health



COVID-19: Communication in Family Life
The challenges and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic can be overwhelming: social isolation, worry over family and friends, concern for our own well-being, and changes to work and home routines. These added levels of stress are likely to put a strain on family relationships. This session describes some fundamental aspects of communication that apply to interactions within families. Participants will review communication strategies and skills that allow for healthy and open communication to enhance the quality of their relationships during these challenging times.

During this one-hour wellness session participants will discuss common issues related to family communication that may be heightened during the COVID-19 crisis, gain an overview of some effective strategies for improving communication in the family during this challenging time, and develop self-expression and listening skills.

DATE & LOCATION: Thursday, May 28, 2020 from 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM

FACILITATOR:  Homewood Health



COVID-19: Foundations of Positive Parenting
The sudden and drastic changes to family life as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic can be overwhelming to children and parents. This practical session will provide participants with the principles and tools of positive parenting that focus on children’s skills in social development and well-being. Participants will also be given an opportunity to review and discuss strategies for bringing positive parenting into the home during these challenging times.

During this one-hour wellness session participants will gain a better understanding of what positive parenting entails, use this foundation as a springboard to parenting practices that can help your child develop social development and well-being skills, learn effective strategies to facilitate positive behaviour, help prevent misbehaviour and deal effectively with inappropriate or unwanted behaviour during these challenging times.

DATE & LOCATION:  Friday, May 29, 2020 12:00 PM — 1:00PM

FACILITATOR:  Homewood Health



Navigating Support and Services for International Students
International students face unique challenges as they pursue post-secondary education away from their home country. Given the global impact of Covid-19, it is all the more important to recognize these challenges and identify ways to provide them the support they need. This session aims to provide opportunities for participants to share and reflect on their own observation of the challenges faced by international students, become familiar with existing support, programs and services at UFV and the process involved in referring students.

DATE:  May 29, 2020 from 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

FACILITATORSAdrian Bontuyan — Coordinator, International Student Success, John Fernando — International Student Relations Specialist, RCIC, Jessica Peakman — International Student Relations Specialist, Medical, George Ogolo — Academic Advisor-International, Sarah Gabor-Martinez — Coordinator, Global Engagement and Contract Training

REGISTER https://www.eventbrite.com/e/navigating-support-and-services-for-internationalstudents-tickets-106281713466


What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Many UFV staff may be curious about naturopathic medicine and also know various current and past students who have pondered applying to naturopathic medical school. Learn about what naturopathic medicine is, its scope of practice in BC, the principles of naturopathic medicine, the tools naturopathic doctors use in practice, the history of the profession in BC, and the admittance criteria for UFV students wishing to apply to a naturopathic college.

DATE & LOCATION:  May 25, 2020 from 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM

FACILITATOR:  Dr. Joanne Menard, Naturopathic Physician at Restorative Health



Homewood Health E-course Foundations of Effective Parenting                                                            

What is the right kind of parenting relationship to have with your child? This course is about developing parenting practices that guide your child’s healthy development and provide opportunities for learning and growth. The course is about building a strong attachment and connection with your child as well as developing skills that encourage appropriate behaviour and help you resolve parent-child conflicts.

Course Contents:

  • How to encourage the development of empathy, decision-making skills, communication skills, accountability, responsibility, self- confidence and self-belief.
  • When to use charting and behaviour contracting to encourage appropriate behaviour and discourage inappropriate behaviour.
  • How to maintain a role in your child’s development as peers and other factors (e.g. internet, media) become increasingly influential.

Additional Features:

  • Self-guided workbooks for completing offline.
  • Resources for continued learning.
  • Course certificate can be printed following successful completion of course learning quiz.

Estimated time to complete this course is 2 hours (60 minutes online; 60 minutes of printed workbook material).

DATE & LOCATION:  Homewood Health e-course’s are available online 24hrs/day, 7 days/week. Complete at your own pace.

FACILITATOR:  Homewood Health Register: www.homeweb.ca

Enroll now! Enrollment is covered by your benefit plan employee assistance services. To register, learn more about this course or learn about other courses Homewood Health offers, visit Member Services at www.homeweb.ca. Need help signing up for Homeweb? Click here on how to register.


Health & Wellness

UFV Unite — Connecting the UFV Community

The UFV Athletics and Campus Recreation and Human Resources departments are launching a virtual initiative to build our community while keeping our physical distance. Although this program started on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 you can still join our Facebook group anytime: UFV Unite — Connecting the UFV Community to stay connected and engaged while remembering the importance of exercising the body and mind. As an added bonus we will be offering incentives and giveaways for your participation. So dust off those runners, prep your veggies and get your boom boxes ready for some creative and interactive ways to stay connected, have fun and be strong! Got Ideas for upcoming activities or prizes? Email campusrec@ufv.ca or send us a Facebook message: @ufvrec. We’d love to hear from you!