Student Positions available on Faculty Council for 2024-2025

The Faculty of Science is looking for 2 Student Representatives to sit on our Science Faculty Council. These positions are for a ONE-YEAR term.

The Mandate of the Science Faculty Council (SFC) shall:

  • serve as the forum for sharing information and the discussion of academic matters
  • receive recommendations related to academic programs, including but not limited to: development of new programs, program changes, new courses, discontinuation of courses;
  • vote on recommendations as related to the above;
  • transmit recommendations to Senate;
  • pass policies related to the functioning of the Faculty Council;
  • deal with matters assigned by the Board or Senate.

WHO is eligible?

Any student in the Faculty of Science who has successfully completed at least 12 credits in the previous 12 months.

ARE you in …?

  • BSc – Bachelor of Science
  • BAS – Bachelor of Agricultural Science
  • BES/NS – Bachelor of Environmental Studies
  • Regional Planning Degree
  • Computing Science
  • Agriculture Diploma
  • Data Analysis Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
  • ASc – Associate of Science


  • September 13– Nomination Deadline
  • September 23 – 27 – Elections (via MyUFV)

LENGTH of term …

  • TWO (2) Representatives for ONE (1) YEAR starting October 2024

SUBMIT form to:

Faculty of Science office – Room D203

– OR –

Scan and Email


View Science Faculty Council Meeting Schedule

For more information on the Science Nomination and Elections please visit our WEBSITE