Producing a good research poster isn’t easy

Last week’s UFV Student Research Day got me thinking about research posters and the work that goes into producing a good one.

Tyler Schilbach, presents the research he conducted in CMNS 155 with Marcella LeFever at the UFV Student Research Day

I was a judge for the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts posters at the Student Research Day, so in this post I’ll talk about poster viewing situations and the difficulties of communicating complexity and substance in a research poster.

It’s all about the situation

I know, I know – you already understand that ‘communication is all about the audience’, but researchers producing posters need to think about the two situations where viewers will come into contact with their poster. Firstly, when a researcher is standing with their poster and secondly, when the poster stands alone.

When a poster is used as a visual aid during a poster session, viewers are more interested in talking to the researcher rather than focusing on the poster. The poster becomes a visual aid for the researcher to get their main points across and answer viewer questions. Informative visuals (diagrams, maps, graphs, tables etc.) are essential for making key points.

Eye level visuals
Poster placement might make it difficult for you to know if your visuals will be at eye level for viewers.

Viewers will only spend five minutes or so at a poster. Can the visuals help viewers get the gist of the research in a few minutes? Will viewers put their back out bending down to see a visual? Keep visuals at eye level where possible. The presenters of the three winning posters in my judging category at the UFV Student Research Day all used prominently-placed informative visuals (top left or top centre) to get their main findings across: a map of broad-leaf maple tree poaching areas identified in the Fraser Valley, a map of Blackfoot oral history sites using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and a graph depicting financial returns on Chilliwack seasonal agricultural enterprises.

Posters also stand alone. There will be times when the researcher won’t be there to ‘interpret’ their poster. Poster design needs to take account of attracting viewers and helping them navigate through the poster by themselves. Obviously, a title that can be read from 2-3 metres away and contains key words about the research (e.g. maple trees, Blackfoot, GIS, seasonal agriculture) is going to attract viewers interested the research subject. Specialised poster sessions allow researchers to use more technical terminology, but general poster sessions require generalised titles. I heard comments from some of my fellow judges last week that some of the posters on the Student Research Day contained too much text, and that the text was too small to read at a distance. In stand-alone situations, posters need text in a good size font and plenty of white space to encourage a viewer to move in closer to engage. It is tempting to try to say too much, but resist.

Posters can stand alone
What will encourage someone to stop and engage with your research poster when you aren’t there?

Indicative visuals (that guide viewers) become more important when posters stand alone. Two of the three winning posters last week used the traditional three column format and all three posters were designed to be read up-down, left to right. The information was broken up into smaller, manageable sections. Descriptive section headings are essential so viewers can ‘scan’. I have seen some good posters formatted in a circle that take viewers through the poster sections in a clockwise direction. If you think viewers might be confused, consider using arrows to guide them.

Complexity and substance

A visually-appealing poster is not a good research poster without engaging research content. Researchers attend poster presentations to meet other researchers and add to their own state of knowledge about research – they want to see something new. All three winning poster presenters tackled significant issues for particular communities. The student researchers conducted some original research on an issue, presented some data or interesting findings, and discussed the implications of the work for the affected community and/or other researchers.

Until very recently, research posters were considered the ‘poor cousin’ to the research presentation. But with technology making it easier to produce a professional-looking product, and the flexibility offered for viewers to come and go in poster sessions, this format is gaining in popularity. One thing to keep in mind is that posters can only convey so much, and not all research content is ideally suited to posters. For example, some research in branches of philosophy, literary studies or history (that traffic in theoretical concepts) might be difficult to translate easily to poster form. If the information in each section takes more than a few seconds for a viewer to adsorb, then it may not belong on a poster.

What can you bring along to complement your poster? This year’s AVP Research – Humanities & Social Sciences prize winner, Steve Clegg, brought along some maple wood samples to show the kind of ‘chunk’ that poachers take from trees. He put a piece of this wood up to the light to show viewers the attractive wood grain finish that poachers were after. For me, this made the presentation more memorable than the poster text alone.

Paul Foth
Paul Foth (left) won the UFV Dean of Science prize for his poster, Synthetic Steps of GFP Chromophore Analogue.

If you decide to produce a poster for a research day or conference, remember to include the names of your supervisor/s or collaborators, institutional affiliations and your contact details on the poster. If the poster is an advertisement for your research, viewers need to know who is involved and how to contact you for more information.

Never been involved in a research poster event? Check out the first half of MarCom’s video of UFV’s Student Research Day 2013 to see what one looks like.

I also drew on Anu MacIntosh-Murray’s 2007 article on poster presentations in the journal, Science Communication to create this post.


Communicating Professionally: Scott Varga

1. When did you graduate, and what did you study at UFV?

I graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts, double extended minors in human geography and visual arts.

2. What is your current role, and what are the main forms of communication required of you?

Varga1I am currently a graduate student at the University of Alberta in the department of Human Ecology, and a Research Assistant in the City-Region Studies Centre. Since graduate school is largely intended to train future researchers, formal and informal writing are the main forms of communication I use on a daily basis. Effective oral communication is also important as my work and school activities require me to discuss ideas, concepts, theories and convictions. To better illustrate and offer a progressive level of defense to my ideas in the form of written and oral communication, I integrate visual communication elements into my work as well. Effective visual elements make it possible to succinctly describe and defend oneʼs work to a broad range of audiences. In particular, well-illustrated documents and presentations are more accessible to the general public and thus better received.


3. Which CMNS courses (or course materials) stand out for you as applicable to your current studies/position?

CMNS 375: Understanding Design for Print Publications  and CMNS 125: Introduction to Workplace Communication, as these classes allowed me to creatively integrated visual forms of communication into documents and taught me the value of presenting information in a clear, concise and logical way that is easy for an audience to follow.

4. Can you describe one highlight from your experience taking CMNS courses at UFV?

I found the Communications practicum course, CMNS 412, extremely useful. Working on a practicum project with the District of Mission  allowed me to put into practice the communication skills – written, oral, and visual – I had learned through interactions with a variety of stakeholders. My role required that I present ideas in a clear and logical manner and respectfully defend my position when it was challenged by people from the community.

5. With the wisdom of hindsight and experience, what communication-related advice would you offer current UFV students as they prepare for graduation and/or employment?

Strong writing is essential. The quality of the written form is being degraded and its authority is often underestimated. When you put something in writing, you become the owner of it. Consider the composition of an idea or concept as similar to the start of an invention or patent. You are marking your territory.

Your writing reveals a lot about your conceptual grasp of information and knowledge. The clarity of these two pieces is essential to success. In the work place, people often have nothing but a written document from which to form an opinion of your work, and by extension of you. Similarly, if you develop strong written communication skills, your oral communication skills will benefit from your ability to create logical, well-organized arguments in preparation for speaking opportunities and presentations.

Be aware that effective communication through writing is often about the absence of writing as a result of good editing. In other words, the finished product is not the first draft! We have all read pieces where we felt sentences, if not entire pages, could have been cut. Good editing also enhances another aspect of written communication by enabling the writer to revise and improve the logic behind their position.

Finally, I have learned from experience that strong visual communication abilities impress almost everyone. This is where you can really add value to a project, a team, or an application. If you strive to push the boundaries on visual communication you will almost certainly set yourself apart from the rest.

6. Is there an aspect of communication you would like to see added or covered in greater depth at UFV?

I would like to see greater emphasis on argument and rhetoric added in the CMNS curriculum – not in the sense of pure philosophical reasoning, but rather as a means to encourage CMNS grads to better understand ʻwhyʼ and be able to persuasively explain ʻwhyʼ.

I also believe the topic of visual communication needs to be investigated at a deeper level. CMNS 375 does a good job as an introduction, but in all honesty it should be a 100 level course – not because of its subject matter, but because students should gain those skills in their first year so they can be applied to all of their subsequent documents and presentations.


Research and Scholarly Activity: The Connection to Teaching

WPFaculty and administration at the University of the Fraser Valley have been deep in discussions over the last few years about how research and scholarly activity fit into our designation as a teaching intensive university. AS part of a recent discussion here are some of the ways that faculty highlighted how their research contributes directly to the success of students in the classroom. I thought it was worth posting.

*Incorporate into classroom teaching/learning practices
*Integrate in class structure to maximize success in attaining Institutional Learning Outcomes
*Use in designing curriculum
*Involve students in instructor research
*Use as examples of research in teaching
*Demonstrate to students real world application of research
*Use to encourage students to participate in research days
*Provide students with research data to manipulate with statistical analysis
*Teach research methodologies/process by involving students in own research
*Employ work study research assistants
*Support student career development
*Explore the role of research during teaching
*Introduce students to new concepts developed from instructor research (such as use of indigenous methodologies) in preparation for use in courses later on
*Improves ability to have latest information in the discipline available for student exploration
*Develop new questions to explore in class discussions
*Better able to increase student success through own research on teaching & learning
*Model lifelong learning for students
*Assist students to author/co-author papers
*Assist students to enter and be successful in graduate school
*Teaches students collaborative work skills
*Assists students to attain awards
*Students get first-hand information/results from research
*Gain exposure to other researchers and research institutions
*Utilize visual representations from research in class lecture
*Provide case studies from own research for students to examine
*Configure class content around own research areas of expertise
*Have students relate theory/method to their personal lives

Please leave some comments if you know of some things that can be added to this list.


Dr. Marcella LaFever (University of New Mexico, 2005) is an Associate Professor in the Communications Department at the University of the Fraser Valley. She specializes in intercultural communication and brings that expertise to various subjects such as communication for workplace, instruction, social media, team and public speaking contexts.

Applied Feminist Theory: Working the frontline against violence against women

dec-6-You can kill me as soon as you like, but you cannot stop the emancipation of women!

This statement was made by a woman called Tahiréh in 1852 in Persia.

Tahiréh (the pure one) also know as Qurratu’l-`Ayn (Solace of the Eyes). These names were tributes to her character and to her beauty, but these were not all that she was. Her noble heritage, her renown for her intelligence, her knowledge of Islam, and her talent as a poet were paled by her audacity in challenging the strictures of Persian society in the mid 19th century. In fact, halfway around the world from the Seneca Falls New York Convention of women suffragists in 1848, Tahiréh removed her veil publicly as a sign of the need for the liberation of women in that part of the world. In 1852 she uttered the words I stated earlier as she was executed for her beliefs.

I didn’t know about the story of Tahiréh in 1989 when 14 women were murdered in an engineering school in Montreal but I was an avowed feminist at that time – and since my high school years in the early 1970s.

In 1990 I started a new job, coordinating a safe homes program for the women’s center in Golden, BC and it was in the first year of my employment that the first December 6 commemoration was held. It was in that job and at that point that being a feminist became a reality and not just a theory.

Over the next 10 years I learned what it meant to put theory into action as my colleagues and I advocated for and worked with women experiencing violence (and murder) for the simple fact that they were women. We didn’t tell women what to do, we supported them and provided as much information and resources as we could to give them the tools to make the decisions that would work for them. There are many stories I could tell you about fear and heartache but there are also many I could tell you about spirit and life affirming actions by women who had been held back and held down.

The emancipation of women will continue, as Tahiréh so rightly stated – but it is my hope, and I am sure all of yours that it will not long require the deaths of more women to bring it about.


Dr. Marcella LaFever (University of New Mexico, 2005) is an Associate Professor in the Communications Department at the University of the Fraser Valley. She specializes in intercultural communication and brings that expertise to various subjects such as communication for workplace, instruction, social media, team and public speaking contexts.

Communicating Professionally: Kevin Renso

Why study communications?

K-R1. When did you graduate, and what did you study at UFV?

I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from UFV in 2009.  While at UFV, I concentrated on Communications courses, but also took Business, Information Technology, and History courses.  In 2011 I completed a Master’s degree in Educational Technology at the University of Calgary.

2. What is your current role, and what are the main forms of communication required of you?

Currently I am instructing at UFV, and I am also working as a Systems Implementation/Training Consultant in the global trade and logistics industry.  The main forms of communication required from me (in the corporate world) are communicating project tasks and duties to assigned resources, communicating project deadlines to customers, and keeping customers up-to-date on deliverable and deadline progress.  Usually the information is provided via email or some sort of scheduled automatic reporting system that updates customers through email or FTP file sharing.

3. Why did you decide to complete a minor in Communications?

I started my educational career in General Business Studies, as I wanted to find a program that I could get excited about. UFV does not yet have a Communications major, so I could only minor in Communications.  I felt (and still feel) that communication in business is one of the biggest issues in North America, and may be the field that, if “tightened up,” would increase productivity – and profits – for corporations in general.  The tools I learned at university were highly applicable to business situations, and I attribute most of my success to how I took the skills I learned in CMNS and implemented them in the corporate world.

4. Can you describe a highlight from the courses you took in CMNS?

Two words: the instructors.  Taking Communications at UFV was definitely a turning point in my career.  The first couple of courses in Communications were “eye-opening”; the instructors kept us motivated and created an enjoyable and open learning environment where we were exposed to valuable skills that are necessary in the workplace, and it continued until I completed my undergraduate degree.  I always looked forward to my Communications night classes at UFV, and never felt as if I was “going to work” while attending UFV CMNS classes.  I could see the direct correlation between success and skills learned in the CMNS program.

I left UFV with confidence and the skills to succeed, and that’s thanks to the instructor team, and when I’m teaching courses at UFV, I look for ways to generally improve student’s careers the way that instructors in the Communications department improved mine.  The instructors were extremely approachable. I remember being at a crossroads in my career, and asking David Thomson for advice and direction after class one evening.  His excellent advice steered me in the right direction, and this one example will always remind me that even a small extra effort by an instructor can make a big difference to a student.

When it comes to how I instruct classes, I try my best to create a productive and enjoyable team atmosphere comparable to the one that Linda Pardy creates in her classes at UFV.  Linda Pardy is the most genuine person I’ve met. She tells you how it is, and teaches the course material the way that Communications needs to be taught, objectively and outside-of-the-box.  Linda is the reason why I decided to become an instructor at UFV. She will never give up on a student, and she will make the extra effort to fight for the underdog.  If I were a professional boxer, I would want a person like Linda to hold the towel in my corner, give advice and direction on how to adjust during the fight, and cheer me on despite the punches that are inevitably going to land on my face.

Last but not least, Madeleine Hardin was a great teacher to experience at UFV (although I unfortunately only was able to have one face-to-face class with her at the end of my program).  Madeleine is a great person, directly responsible for raising over 10 million dollars for great causes; she not only knows how to “talk the talk,” she “walks the walk” and shows by example how to advocate successfully.  Advocacy was a skill that I didn’t expect to be important in my life and career before I got into the CMNS program at UFV, but I’m very glad that I learned about it.

I worked with many other great instructors in other Communications courses who had a great influence on me, and I think that shows the depth of instructional talent and teamwork in the department.

5. With the wisdom of hindsight and experience, what communication-related advice would you offer current UFV students as they prepare for graduation and/or employment?

Always ASK for what you want – always – and be sure to get the response in writing.  Never be afraid to fight for what you deserve.  Take advantage of what you are given, or what is possibly within your reach, and then reach further!

For example, almost all of my post-secondary costs were covered by corporate tuition reimbursement programs.  There are hundreds of employees entitled to the “free money” offered by such programs, yet only a handful actually make the effort to use them.  This means either the benefit of post-secondary education is not being communicated properly to employees, or the obvious skills obtained through post-secondary education are not being sought-after by managers in government, business and industry.  And if you don’t have a tuition reimbursement program, ask your employer to pay for your tuition anyway!

Be the loud employee, the one with the confidence to ask for what you deserve – and if you lack that confidence, do what I did and take Communications courses at UFV!

6. Is there an aspect of communication you would like to see added or covered in greater depth at UFV?

I would like to see more attention paid to the updated/advanced Web 2.0+ aspect of communication.  The idea of how to communicate has changed. Thanks to the Internet it’s possible to post your material online and people will seek you out. It’s a huge grey-area in communication right now; we need to study the strategies that work and discard the ones that don’t.

7. What is the one communications-related skill you feel is most valuable to you in the workplace?

Keep it short and sweet.  Understand this psychological truth: people tend to zone out after a couple of sentences.  Be direct with the other party, and don’t over explain/describe.

Two other communication skills that I’ve found valuable are: 1) follow up after an initial message if you don’t hear back, and 2) document everything.  In short, don’t take “no” for an answer, and when you finally get a yes, be sure to get it on the record.

Many thanks, Kevin, for taking the time to respond to our questions. We’re happy to see you’ve found success, and still happier to see your career path has brought you back to us as a colleague!


Note to job-hunters: Keys to making a good impression remain unchanged

On September 26 the UFV Career Centre invited recruiters and employers from around the Fraser Valley to a breakfast meeting and asked them about the qualities they hope to find in recent graduates. Some students and a couple of instructors from the university were also invited to provide their perspective.

I was present mostly to hear what employers are saying about the job applicants they’re seeing these days. In particular I paid attention to their comments about the role communication plays. What struck me, to be honest, was how much the concerns voiced at the event echo the conventional wisdom around the employment search. The basic principles appear to be the same.

Mistakes on a cover letter (errors of facts, typos) immediately wreck the applicant’s chances

Obvious errors sink your application not so much because the reader is particularly finicky, but because they suggest the writer’s ability to get it right – to pay attention to detail when it really matters – is deficient. Or, perhaps, sloppy writing in a cover letter or résumé simply reveals the applicant isn’t all that motivated to gain the advertised position. Either way, a carelessly-crafted application is an immediate red flag for recruiters and employers.

The right attitude can open doors

Several voices around the table expressed frustration at generic application letters and résumés that didn’t address the actual position. Evidence that you spent time crafting a specific application for a job opening and informed yourself about the organization prior to an interview counts for a lot, as such steps immediately suggest enthusiasm, interest, and curiosity – traits everyone agreed are desirable. As one recruiter put it, someone with the right attitude can be trained, but without a willingness to rise to a new challenge, it’s very unlikely they’ll be a good “fit” for a new organization.

It’s important to be professional even in situations where you decide not to accept an interview offer. One recruiter commented on the amazing number of people who are invited to an interview and then fail to show up without any explanation. Not only does that behaviour close the door to future opportunities with that contact, it might get communicated to all the other potential employers and recruiters in that person’s network.

You have 8 seconds to make an impression (no pressure!)

In an interview the initial few seconds are critical. People – including interviewers – are wired to make snap judgements and subsequently rationalize their initial impressions. Even though this is recognized as a problem, recruiters and employers around the table admitted they came to conclusions about potential hires very early in the interview process.

Relevant volunteer experience is taken seriously

The “how do I get experience when I have no previous experience?” problem was raised by a couple of the student participants. Consensus around the table was that volunteer opportunities are everywhere, and in a volunteer capacity you are often given a chance to do real, important tasks like keep the books, maintain a computer system, develop an information campaign or lead workshops – all tangible demonstrations of skills that can find their way into a résumé and cover letter. Creativity, initiative and a willingness to learn: a person who can show to a prospective employer they have these qualities can compensate for a lack of direct work experience.

Social network sites are not your friend

The most contentious topic was the use of internet research to dig up background on an applicant. Recruiters and employers at the table disagreed on the potential upside of an applicant’s use of Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media. Some pointed out that, depending on the job, it might be necessary for the person to show familiarity with these popular services. Others argued that although it might be an important part of someone’s social network, a Facebook profile could do nothing positive for a new graduate seeking employment. Everyone agreed on two things, however: 1) It is increasingly likely a recruiter or potential employer will use the internet to look for information about an applicant, and 2) Images that show you using drugs or alcohol, or comments linked to your online profile that suggest prejudice or poor judgement will NOT do you any favours. Is that fair? Probably not. Is it true? Those at the table all agreed that finding such online material would influence their perception of a job candidate. The message to recent graduates was simple: be aware of what you’re making public when sharing comments and images on sites like Facebook!

On a final note, there was agreement that new graduates tend to overestimate their potential worth to an organization, and may have unreasonable expectations for salary and responsibility right out of the gate. Employers continue to value demonstrated experience over aptitude and potential. A bit of humility, and recognition that your colleagues and supervisors will grant trust and respect after they’ve had a chance to see you in action, should temper your sense of initial worth to a new employer.

In short, nothing unpredictable came out of this most recent round-table on employment. While the expectations voiced by the participants seem familiar, it’s reassuring to know the process of finding employment after graduation hasn’t changed dramatically. In addition to the basic background skills required for a particular position, there’s strong demand for people who can communicate enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards new challenges.

Stay in school

Now that the fall semester is underway anyone second-guessing their decision to return to school might want some reassurance. Post-secondary education is expensive, after all, and it represents a real opportunity cost if you are sitting in a classroom instead of out in the workplace somewhere getting paid.

And yet – it turns out the economic benefits of a post-secondary education are big. As Felix Salmon, a writer for the Reuters news agency put it recently, “[T]he only thing which has been rising faster than college tuition costs is the wage premium that college graduates receive over those without a degree. A degree is becoming more important, not less, in our digital economy. And so while the cost of going to college is rising, the cost of not going to college is, arguably, rising even faster.”

US employment by education level

Salmon is writing about the US situation, but it’s almost certainly the same on this side of the border. And it’s not just the wage premium upon graduation. Employment rates for those with a post-secondary education are much better than those for workers with a high school diploma or less. Canadian figures from 2009 indicate that “82% of the adult population aged 25 to 64 with a tertiary [post-secondary] education were employed, compared with 55% of this age group with less than a high school education.” Not only are college or university graduates more likely to be employed, they’re most likely paid better to boot. So relax and enjoy your time in the classroom. It’s time (and money) wisely invested.

Bull Head Book Launch

bull head book coverCommunications instructor and polymath John Vigna will launch his short story collection Bull Head (published by Arsenal Pulp Press) at The Bourbon in Vancouver on September 19. Come help John celebrate and, if you’re up for it, ride the Mechanical Bull. The party gets underway at 7:30 PM.

From the blurb: “A line-dancing aficionado visits his brother in jail in hopes of mending their relationship, and instead discovers his own unwitting role in his brother’s failed life. After the death of his wife and children, a logger tries to survive the Thanksgiving weekend on his own. A delinquent teen’s life is changed forever by a work-camp placement with a violent older boy. A truck driver seeks sanctuary from his abusive wife in a fantasy world of strip clubs and personal ads. Bristling with restlessness and brutality, the eight linked stories in Bull Head catapult readers into the gritty lives of rural male characters lost in purgatories of their own making. Vigna tempers raw and at times cruel rural masculinity with graceful prose and breathtaking tenderness to illuminate the plight of men who belong neither to history nor the future. A startling homage to the great Southern Gothic tradition, Bull Head is a dazzling debut that heralds a powerful and exciting new literary voice.”

This stuff matters

Sometimes the material we read in academic textbooks can seem, well…academic. Take for example the ethics of writing. It’s a standard topic in virtually any introductory text in Communications texts, but is it really that important to us as individual writers? Isn’t that stuff just common sense?

In the last month or so a couple of high-profile stories have reminded me that we really do need to be continually aware of the consequences of our words – especially in the era of digital communication, when anything we write can be circulated and stored in ways we never intended or even imagined.

1. You are always writing for posterity (potentially).

You just never know what random email is going to leak out and make you look good/bad. The ongoing legal battle between Samsung and Apple has resulted in the disclosure of many internal documents written by a small group of Samsung employees without much concern for how they might appear in the future. Did the people drafting the memos ever think they’d be seeing their words again as part of a court case? If they’d known in advance, you can bet they would have phrased their thoughts differently.


On the other side of the coin there are examples of “internal” communications written with a much wider audience already in mind. One well-known example that sheds a lot of light on the inner workings of a company is Microsoft CEO Bill Gates’s 1995 “Internet” memo. Up to 1995 many felt Microsoft was ignoring the Internet, hoping perhaps it was a fad that would simply die away, like CB Radio. After this memo Microsoft’s strategy shifted to deal with the Internet, beginning with the bundling of Internet Explorer and the creation of later that year.


Though it was sent initially to only a handful of senior executives, the contents were written to be distributed widely as they called for a major shift in focus at a company with tens of thousands of employees.

2. Dishonest writing can be very costly.

Plagiarism may seem like an academic transgression rather than a crime with real-world consequences, but few people can survive the loss of credibility that comes from being discovered as a plagiarist. Here are three recent examples of dishonesty or sloppy ethics by professionals that led to their dismissal or resignation:


Especially in roles where your integrity stands as a model for others, it is imperative your words really are your words.


3. Reputations are hard to earn and easy to lose.

At the public as well as the personal level it is wise to view integrity as a currency. Like all modern currencies one’s integrity is backed by public trust and faith in its value. Once trust in a currency is undermined it’s a far harder task to rebuild. Businesses are right to worry about their “brand” and must guard their image with the public. Maintaining a consistent and credible image in the public’s eye is easiest when an organization’s public statements are reflected by their actions. Even attempts at positive acts, ill-considered, can backfire: witness the lamentable trend towards “Greenwashing” and the subsequent consumer backlash experienced by businesses.


The above examples are fairly high-profile examples, but the same dynamics are at work in every communication situation. Words are a form of action, and actions have consequences. The textbooks are right to make a big deal out of ethics in communication, not just for the moral obligation we have to communicate ethically, but also because of the legal, personal and public repercussions of behaving unethically in speech or print.



Uniting generations in the workplace using the appreciative inquiry approach


[Republished blog assignment for my CMNS 380 class from Winter, 2012]

Uniting Generations in the Workplace Using the Appreciative Inquiry Approach

By: Erin Hailstonegarden

Picture a bright, colourful and well established garden. Visualize pink and yellow roses, purple lavender and fresh spring daffodils. Notice how each and every plant lives together symbiotically to create this garden. The new, young green shoots stand side by side with the older more seasoned bushes and shrubs.

Here every plant feeds from the same nutrients in the soil, the same water from the earth and the same bright sunshine. The garden plants all require positive attention- fertilizing, watering and tilling of the soil- to grow to their full potential.

Now imagine your multigenerational workplace as the same garden. It contains older, well established members who have built a solid foundation of “roots” within the workplace. They have weathered the seasons holding together the “soil” of the establishment through policy and procedure. It also contains new less established workers…some who may only last a season or two. Bringing with them vibrant color and changes to the structure of the workplace garden.

In this picture workers appreciate that everyone adds value to the workplace garden. They all understand the strengths of the organization…they continually focus on “what is working” in the workplace garden and not “what is missing”. This vision-of what is working-acts to create growth and success for the workers.

The caring gardeners, or workplace leaders, provide positive essential “nutrients” to assist the workplace garden in achieving its success. Never hacking and chopping at problems, criticizing and destroying delicate possibilities in the process.

The Appreciative Inquiry Approach

What if we decided to focus our energy on “what is working” instead of “what is missing” in the workplace? We would no longer have a deficit-focused approach highlighting failures and invoking criticism but an inquiry that appreciates the positive.

What if we, as the members of an organization, also believed that an emphasis on negative thinking can dampen opportunities for creative resolution?  Recognizing that believing it should be “fixed” implies that it is “broken”. That paying attention to the “problems” simply amplifies them.

This is the Appreciative Inquiry Approach, or AI, and it was developed at Case Western Reserve University in the 1980’s by David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva .  The basic premise of AI is that “organisations change in the direction in which they inquire.’ So an organisation which inquires into problems will keep finding problems but an organisation which attempts to appreciate what is best in itself will discover more and more that is good” (Seel, 2008)

How Will Appreciative Inquiry Assist in Uniting a Multigenerational Workplace?

“Not only do we see what we believe, but the very act of believing it creates it.” (Bushe, 1995)

Appreciative Inquiry is an asset-based approach that focuses on the value contributed by each and every person within the organization-regardless of age.  The AI approach does not focus on changing people. It allows people to be involved with building the kinds of organizations they want to be a part of.

AI creates collaboration between multigenerational workers by building consent within the system about “what can and should be?” So although there may be differences in the communication styles and attitudes, within the multigenerational workplace, AI can help to unite organizations by allowing people to inquire together using the “4-D” approach:

  1. DISCOVER: The identification of organizational processes that work well.
  2. DREAM: The envisioning of processes that would work well in the future.
  3. DESIGN: Planning and prioritizing processes that would work well.
  4. DESTINY (or DELIVER): The implementation (execution) of the proposed design*

AI shifts the focus of the multigenerational workplace away from the differences that exist (the deficit) and toward affirmation of the benefits and strengths of the group…a valuable approach in today’s multigenerational environment.

“Appreciative Inquiry is the cooperative search for the best in people, their organizations, and the world around them.”(Cooperrider & Whitney, 1995)



Cooperrider, D.L. & Whitney, D. (2007). Appreciative Inquiry: A positive revolution in change. In P. Holman & T. Devane (eds.), The Change Handbook, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., pages 245-263.

Richard Seel, 2008. “Appreciative Inquiry.”

Bushe, G.R. & Coetzer, G. (1995). Appreciative inquiry as a team development intervention: A controlled experiment. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 31:1, 19-31.