A UFV Student’s Dive into Communication Excellence

by Matthew Michaud

Samantha’s journey as a budding communications specialist is nothing short of inspiring. At the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), she’s not just pursuing a degree; she’s crafting a narrative of resilience, ambition, and community contribution. With a background that spans continents and disciplines, Samantha embodies the spirit of a global citizen, deeply embedded in the local community of Abbotsford. Her academic pursuits in communication are complemented by a rich tapestry of professional experiences, from public relations to fitness instruction, illustrating a commitment to both personal and communal well-being. Samantha’s reflections on her educational journey, particularly her transformative experience in CMNS 235, offer invaluable insights into the power of effective communication, the challenges of mastering non-verbal cues, and the profound impact of academic endeavors on personal growth and professional aspirations. Join us as we delve into Samantha’s world, where every challenge is an opportunity, and every experience, a stepping stone to future success.

What program are you in at UFV? Are there any activities/groups that you are part of?

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in Communication at University of the Fraser Valley (UFV). While I am not involved in any UFV teams or groups, my background as a swimming professional, which began at the age of four, has been a significant part of my life. Currently, I have taken the proactive step of enrolling in the BC Swimming Coach program, leveraging my extensive experience in swimming to make a meaningful contribution to the sport in our local community.

Tell us a little about yourself and what you are up to these days?

I came to Canada at the age of 14, and since then, Abbotsford has become my second hometown. The experiences and memories I’ve gathered in this city have significantly shaped who I am today. UFV holds a special place in my heart as one of the few institutions in British Columbia offering a Communication major, perfectly aligning with my interests and aspirations. While navigating the dynamic university life, I’m also exploring potential career paths, currently serving as a public relations specialist in a Vancouver-based company. This blend of academic and professional experiences not only enriches my journey but also shapes my perspective for the future. Beyond academics, I actively participate in community service, holding certifications as both an ACE personal trainer and a Reformer Pilates instructor—showcasing my unwavering commitment to physical fitness and well-being. My diverse experiences in sports and fitness instruction reflect my dedication to maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

What was your overall impression of taking CMNS 235 in person at UFV?

Participating in CMNS 235 at UFV was a dynamic and fulfilling experience. CMNS 235 stands apart from the typical textbook class, guiding me on a journey of self-discovery in public speaking amidst encouragement and applause. It creates an environment where I feel like the centre of attention without being directly under the spotlight. Engaging in self and peer reflections played a crucial role in continuous improvement, while impromptu speeches sharpened my quick thinking and adaptability skills. Taking this course significantly contributed to my current role as a PR specialist, where public speaking has become a strength, propelling my career forward. CMNS 235 was meticulously designed to foster effective communication, offering a thorough exploration of various speech types and ample opportunities for practice, reflection, and improvement.

What were the biggest challenges of undertaking CMNS 235?

As I embarked on the journey of CMNS 235, I encountered a set of formidable challenges, with the foremost hurdle being the nuanced mastery of hand gestures and body language. The intricate task of synchronizing verbal expression with purposeful movements demanded a delicate balance, emphasizing key points without causing distraction.

To tackle these challenges, I adopted a systematic approach to refine my hand gestures and body language. Leveraging the CMNS 235 online recording, I meticulously reviewed my presentations, sought constructive feedback from both peers and the professor, and actively practiced in the next class sessions throughout the semester. Addressing each aspect of the challenge, I not only improved my synchronization skills but also cultivated a heightened awareness of the impact of non-verbal communication.

CMNS 235 led me to recognize the profound significance of effective hand gestures and body language in conveying confidence and fostering a strong audience connection, ultimately enhancing my overall communication skills. Through guided practice, constructive feedback, and TED-style exercises, I developed the ability to articulate ideas with clarity and conviction. The course’s emphasis on real-world application allowed me to translate theoretical knowledge into tangible, practical skills.

What are your general opinions, conclusions, feedback as a CMNS Major?

The CMNS major has been a distinctive and enriching journey for me, emphasizing a collaborative and interactive approach that extends beyond the acquisition of skills. Its interdisciplinary nature has empowered me to seamlessly integrate personal perspectives into effective communication, offering a holistic understanding of crafting, receiving, and interpreting messages in diverse contexts.

Enrolling in the School of Communication at UFV has ignited a genuine passion for delivering impactful messages. Essentially, the CMNS major has not only equipped me with the tools for effective communication but also instilled a deep appreciation for the art and significance of conveying messages in various aspects of life. This has been instrumental in shaping my trajectory toward becoming a future leader in the PR industry, where I see my career path aligning seamlessly with the skills and insights acquired through the CMNS major.