Each year the Communications Department chooses one student to receive the Undergraduate Research Excellence Award, sponsored by the UFV Research Office.
For the 2013/14 academic year the award went to Talia Wiebe for her Directed Studies project on social media as a vehicle for promoting independent artists and musicians. Talia looked at existing technologies available to independent musicians including iTunes, Bandcamp, Facebook and Twitter. Her project began by investigating best practices for musicians looking to build online communities for their existing followers and new fans. Applying these principles, Talia put in place a comprehensive social media strategy for her husband, an independent ambient music composer and performer. The report on best practices for independent musicians can be found here, while some examples of the online presence she developed can be found here and here.
Talia appreciated the flexibility of the Directed Studies course, CMNS 412 . It allowed her to earn upper-level credits towards her degree while learning about an essential, emerging area of marketing and communications. In addition, she was able to design a project that gave her valuable hands-on experience to take with her to the job market.