Exploring Resiliency at the Semá:th Emergency Preparedness Fair

Photo of CHASI's table at the event. It is on a large grassy field, in the shade of a tent. CHASI student research assistant Chloe Raible stands behind the table, smiling at the camera. On the table are posters with post-it notes stuck to them (described in the other photos). A large standing banner behind Chloe shows CHASI's website, ufv.ca/chasi, and the phrase "turning knowledge into action."

CHASI had the privilege of hosting a table at Sumas First Nation (Semá:th)’s Emergency Preparedness Fair on Friday, May 10th. We were excited to be a part of this fun and engaging afternoon alongside other organizations working in the emergency response and recovery space. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table to chat, … Read more