Exploring Resiliency at the Semá:th Emergency Preparedness Fair

Poster for the event. It shows balloons, clouds, and supportive holding hands. Text reads: "Join us for our emergency preparedness fair Friday May 10th, 2024, 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Door prizes! Meet emergency department staff, have informative discussions with first responders, and learn more about family emergency plans. 2800 Sumas Mountain Road, Email: emergency.department@sumasfirstnation.com." It includes a listing of activities: bouncy castle, carnival games, kids activity table, balloon twisting, face painting, food truck, obstacle course, and much much more!
Poster for the event

CHASI had the privilege of hosting a table at Sumas First Nation (Semá:th)’s Emergency Preparedness Fair on Friday, May 10th. We were excited to be a part of this fun and engaging afternoon alongside other organizations working in the emergency response and recovery space.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table to chat, learn more about CHASI, and contribute to our collaborative posters, and a special thanks to the Sumas First Nation for the invitation.


Photo of CHASI's table at the event. It is on a large grassy field, in the shade of a tent. CHASI student research assistant Chloe Raible stands behind the table, smiling at the camera. On the table are posters with post-it notes stuck to them (described in the other photos). A large standing banner behind Chloe shows CHASI's website, ufv.ca/chasi, and the phrase "turning knowledge into action."

Two posters with a question printed on them and a large white space, which has been filled with post it notes written by event attendees. The first question reads "what brings you hope for the future?" and responses include: "Having emergency sessions like this. Great info", "planning," "saving humanity for others," and "me." The second question reads "what do you identify as the greatest need when recovering from disasters." Maybe responses reference "family" and "home," and others include, resources, food, water, and video games.

Another poster, this time with the question "resilience is..." and responses including: :push through your setbacks," "bouncing back after loss or disaster," "community together in emergency," and "surviving."

Another poster, this one with the prompt: "share one memory, word, or visual that summarizes your disaster experience or the experience of someone close to you." Most responses reference flooding or water. One reads "no power or heat," and another mentions the flood trapping many family members for a few days.