In memory of:
Curtis Marsh
Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson
Crystal Turner and Kylen Schulte
Edwin Chiloba
Raymond Taavel
Imanitwitaho Zachee (pronounced Za-shay), known as Zachee
Diamond Jackson-McDonald
Matthew Shepard
Our Charmed Circle shares the story of four friends connected across the continent by a shared enthusiasm for gaming and bound by a sense of solidarity. Follow the story of Fenix, Amrita, Mary-Jo, and Zoe as they navigate the realities of online relationships and daily life. With this comic, CHASI and artist Sharon Strauss aim to explore the issues we face, the world we live in, and how we find the strength to forge an identity in an ever-changing political landscape. Watch for a new comic every second week, and in print in The Cascade.
CHASI’s Our Charmed Circle page includes character bios and links to every comic.