Invitation – Welcome Back BBQ

Join your fellow School of Business Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni for the annual Welcome Back BBQ! Held in the South Foyer of E Building on Wednesday September 11th from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Come grab a tasty burger, meet new friends, and learn about School of Business events and opportunities coming up in … Read more

EFMD Award Ceremony – Lisbon, 6 June 2019

On Wednesday June 5th, Dr. Luciana Turchick Hakak attended the 2019 EFMD Annual Conference in Carcavelos, Portugal to accept the UFV School of Business’s EPAS accreditation award for our BBA program. EPAS is an international program accreditation system operated by EFMD. EPAS standards ensure that programs are designed and delivered so that they are both … Read more

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2019

On behalf of the entire UFV School of Business We would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to the graduating class of 2019. The School of Business has had the pleasure of seeing, first hand, your growth as individuals, and as intellectuals. We have been witness to some of your incredible achievements, from helping in … Read more

Inaugural School of Business Field School – Business in Europe

Over the past two weeks a group of UFV Business students and faculty went on the first School of Business field school. The students took part in BUS 390M – Business in Europe, an upper level elective course newly offered within the program. This active learning opportunity allows students to step out of the traditional … Read more

School of Business Student’s Receive Two Awards at the Undergraduate Research Excellence Awards Night

The School of Business would like to congratulate the following School of Business students who won research awards yesterday evening at the UFV Undergraduate Research Excellent Awards. Our award winners are: Simon Frackiewicz, Tyler Henderson, & Matthew Logan won the Industry Engagement Research Excellence Award for their research, “Economic Impact of the Abbotsford Airshow”. Faculty supervisor: David Dobson Harjot … Read more

Enactus UFV 2018-19 Update

We reached out to UFV Business instructor and Enactus faculty rep Darrell Lim, to provide us with an update on what Enactus has been doing over the past year. “Our UFV Enactus team has expanded on their business and entrepreneurial skills in a multitude of areas over the last 12 months; including operating a student … Read more

Sales Students Continue to Shine at UFV

ABBOTSFORD, BC, APRIL 16, 2019  –  “I was a little nervous as the campaign was drawing to a close, but they did it once again.”  So said Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce business development manager, Matt Langdon.  He was referring to a revenue goal set by students in this year’s Bus 2322 Advanced Selling course at … Read more

School of Business Student Research Day

Yesterday was the 7th Annual School of Business Student Research Day. Hosted by Dr. Raymond Leung and with a panel of Business faculty members, three student teams presented their research. The winning team of the competition is nominated to receive the 2019 Undergraduate Research Excellence Award. This year the winning team was comprised of Harjot … Read more