UFV Sustainability Morning

If you were on campus Friday morning and frequented C building you might have engaged with the School of Business, and Sustainable UFV at their second Sustainability Morning. The enthusiastic representatives were engaging passerby’s in conversations over Timbits and coffee, on various topics. One of the main topics of the morning was focused around promoting the Sustainable Case Competition to students that the School of Business is hosting on March 09. The chance to solve a real world local sustainability challenge with the potential of winning $1000 garnered interest.

Additionally, Sustainable UFV was inquiring as to what actions UFV could take to be more sustainable. Many responded positively on the actions already taken by the University, especially mentioning the new 4 bin garbage system that was installed campus wide back in summer.

Some interesting suggestions were put forward including:

  • Less paper posters around campus, and more electronic ads around campus
  • Jump starting the community garden on campus again
  • Creating more shuttles between campuses, as it would reduce on student vehicle emissions

If you missed the event but still want to know more about the competition, we want to hear them, just email us at prme@ufv.ca