UFV Student Entrepreneur profile: Stark Internet Marketing

Jonah Stark, UFV Bachelor of Business Administration 

I started my Social Media Marketing Agency in September last year. It started due to a desire to control my life while in University, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. I now have a schedule that allows me to focus on my grades while making money in my free time!

The School of Business Student Trade Show on March 8th, 2017 drew me in simply based off the fact that business owners would be at the event. My business revolves around working with other businesses, and this opportunity was way too good to pass up. The event has been incredibly beneficial to me, potentially pushing me into the 6 figure mark this year!

My experience at UFV has helped me tremendously, not only because of my education, but also because of the people I connect with. Many of my professors have real life experience with business, and I am able to ask them for help whenever I am unsure what to do. Just recently I had my Accounting professor give me a tip that could save me thousands of dollars this year alone! If anyone is considering starting a business in the future, I would encourage them to start while at UFV, because you will never be in a better environment to get started.

