UFV and RBC launch RBC On Campus

The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) and the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) are deepening their long-standing partnership by launching RBC On Campus. This initiative expands financial literacy opportunities and engages students with practical, relevant content and advice through a dedicated on-campus presence and a variety of initiatives and channels.
RBC On Campus is an educational centre for students and is staffed by a team of advisors providing free one-on-one advice, seminars, and workshops on topics ranging from student finances, financial literacy, and financial planning to career advice and wellness promotion. RBC is already active on the Abbotsford campus in building A219 – the former Spirit Bear Café. You may also have seen them recently at Day One of New Student Orientation, at the International Services Fair, and at the annual Science Social.
“The University of the Fraser Valley plays an integral role in helping students develop the necessary skills, capabilities, and experiences needed to prepare for the future of work and to thrive,” said Jacky Gill, Regional Vice-President, Fraser Valley, RBC. “I am so excited and proud to share that RBC will be helping along the way with our new RBC On Campus location where our advisors will support students in building their financial literacy skills, support their personal and professional development and build their social and cultural awareness.
RBC’s “more than money” approach focuses on working with UFV to support, engage, and empower students with the long-term goal of co-creating a solid foundation for success.
“We’re very excited to welcome this additional RBC presence on campus,” said Dr. Alisa Webb, Vice-President, Students, UFV. “RBC On Campus advisors embrace a student-first approach, emphasizing education, engagement, and empowerment. These values align with our commitment to student development and support. We look forward to this next phase of collaboration that will deliver new programming and opportunities for our students.”
RBC On Campus represents a renewed commitment to the many connections UFV and RBC share. UFV is thankful for RBC’s past and present support of student career education, co-op and experiential learning, peer mentoring, food security, New Student Orientation, and more.
RBC’s Future Launch program has supported the UFV Centre for Experiential and Career Education (CECE) and the organization often engages in UFV fundraising activities by providing volunteers at campus events. In 2019, the university awarded RBC a UFV Ripple Maker paddle as donor of the year.
“Financial literacy can be a challenge for many, and UFV is excited to enhance the relationship with RBC, a trusted and valued community partner,” said Susan Mide Kiss, Vice-President of Community Engagement, UFV. “RBC On Campus provides learning opportunities for students that go beyond the financial realm and assist our community in developing graduates who possess these foundational and life-long skills.”
RBC is looking forward to engaging with UFV on events, networking opportunities, educational opportunities, and more. If you are interested in having RBC attend an event or activity that you are hosting, or if you want to explore opportunities for collaboration, please connect with Nicky Kang, RBC Community Manager, Abbotsford East (nicky.kang@rbc.com) and/or Harman Rathore, Assistant Branch Manager (harman.rathore@rbc.com). When doing so, please cc Kyle Baillie (kyle.baillie@ufv.ca) and Anita Nielsen (anita.nielsen@ufv.ca).
For further information, media should contact:
Dave Pinton, Director of Communication at UFV at 778.808.5661.
Lisa Campardo, Director of Communications, British Columbia 604 868 3953 or lisa.campardo@rbc.com