UFV seeks feedback on Abbotsford Campus Master Plan

What will the Abbotsford UFV campus of the future look like and how will it grow beyond its current footprint? Will buildings on the campus be limited to three stories or reach skyward to seven or eight? Would a natural amphitheater be used more than an open space on the UFV green? Where will bike paths and transit hubs be located?
These are some of the planning situations and questions the University of the Fraser Valley and the City of Abbotsford planners are hoping to get answers to as part of the ongoing consultation phase of the UDistrict project.
UFV is seeking campus and community feedback on a draft Campus Master Plan – a preliminary plan in the works for over a year and based on feedback from area residents, students – including urban planning students – faculty, staff, and the City of Abbotsford.
“It’s an exciting vision for the future and we’ve had lots of input,” said Craig Toews, UFV Executive Director of Campus Planning and Resource Development. “The plan shows great potential for a university village, where the campus and community come together. It’s vital we hear again from people who want to shape the future of the campus and neighbourhood over the next 20 to 25 years and we look forward to your feedback.”
You can participate in an “Online Open House,” available from March 12 to March 25, 2016. The Online Open House is a short online questionnaire summarizing the main directions of the Draft Campus Plan and asking for feedback. You can take the survey here.
After the online questionnaire closes, the UDistrict team will use the data to finalize the Campus Plan. The completed Campus Master Plan will then be presented to the UFV Board of Governors for consideration.
For more information media should contact:
Dave Pinton
Director, Communications,
University of the Fraser Valley
dave.pinton@ufv.ca T: 778.808.5661