Share your thoughts and ideas on student housing

Got thoughts about student housing? UFV is developing a strategy to guide the development of housing on campus. Student input is essential to the strategy so we want you to tell us what you think through a brief survey. Take the survey here: .

Consent 101 workshop — Oct 15 — Abbotsford

Open to UFV students only What is sexual consent? How do you know when you’ve got it? In this workshop, we will examine the myths about consent and sexualized violence, the influence of pop culture on our understandings of consent, and legal and ethical perspectives on what constitutes consent. Sign up online at or … Read more

Consent 101 workshop — Oct 15 — Chilliwack

Open to UFV students only What is sexual consent? How do you know when you’ve got it? In this workshop, we will examine the myths about consent and sexualized violence, the influence of pop culture on our understandings of consent, and legal and ethical perspectives on what constitutes consent. Sign up online at or … Read more

Citizenship 101 workshop (Active Bystander Intervention) — Abbotsford — Oct 23

Open to UFV students only Learn strategies to intervene safely and effectively in situations that may lead to sexualized violence. Sign up online at or just drop in! For more information, visit Tues, Oct 23 10-11:30 am Abby C1429 For more information, contact Belinda Karsen at 10/24/2018

Citizenship 101 workshop (Active Bystander Intervention) — Chilliwack — Oct 24

Open to UFV students only Learn strategies to intervene safely and effectively in situations that may lead to sexualized violence. Sign up online at or just drop in! For more information, visit Wed, Oct 24, 2018 11:30 am-1 pm Chilliwack A2203 For more information, contact Belinda Karsen at 10/25/2018

Support 101 workshop for students — Abbotsford version

Open to UFV students only Learn how to sensitively and appropriately support someone who has experienced sexualized violence. Participants will learn about on and off campus resources for victims/survivors of sexualized violence. Sign up online at or just drop in! For more information, visit Mon, Oct 29 11 am-12:30 pm Abby B121 … Read more

Support 101 workshop for students

Open to UFV students only Learn how to sensitively and appropriately support someone who has experienced sexualized violence. Participants will learn about on and off campus resources for victims/survivors of sexualized violence. Sign up online at or just drop in! For more information, visit Oct 30, 2018 11:30 am-1 pm Chilliwack A1316 … Read more

Winter textbook orders — due October 15

Winter 2019 Textbook Adoption Deadline The following dates help ensure that everything is on the shelf by the first day of classes: Textbook adoptions are due October 15 Coursepack requests are due November 15 General merchandise orders related to courses are due November 15 Visit the Bookstore website for information on how to place your … Read more

Career opportunities — Oct 9

Keep up with career opportunities at UFV by checking out the UFV Career Opportunities website. Current positions include: Sessional Faculty, Modern Languages Technologist, E-Room Operations Coordinator, Housing Department Assistant, Indigenous Student Centre Administrative Assistant, Vice President, Students 10/04/2018 – 10/11/2018 – For more information, contact Kulvinder Sidhu at 10/11/2018

UFV History department film series: Rulers and Rebels

Join History Faculty and Students for the second of three film screenings and discussions on Wed, Oct 24 from 1-3 pm in B121. The second film is “Joan of Arc: Maid of Orleans” (Infobase, 2002). For more info contact or Wed, Oct 24 1-3 pm Abbotsford Campus, B121 For more information, contact Nicole … Read more

Smoking Cessation Workshop for employees — Oct 25

Quitting smoking isn’t easy. This one-hour session will review some key strategies for successful smoking cessation. The session will also introduce participants to comprehensive resources to assist them in the smoking cessation process. To register, please contact Wendy Gracey at local 4439 or–development   10/26/2018