Senate faculty byelection results

Congratulations to the faculty who were recently acclaimed to their positions on Senate, to fill one-year terms, until July 31, 2021: Faculty of Humanities: Karin Jager, Department Head, Associate Professor — Graphic & Digital Design Faculty of Social Sciences: Christine Elsey, Associate Professor — Social, Cultural & Media Studies Faculty of Science: Afia Raja, Assistant … Read more

Grant Workshop: Developing a Successful SSHRC Insight Grant Proposal — Aug 27

Are you a social sciences or humanities researcher considering applying to the SSHRC Insight Program? Have a walk through the application process complete with tips and strategies for writing a successful SSHRC Insight Grant proposal by attending our online grant writing workshop: • Thurs, August 27, 2020 • 10–11:30 am • Bluejeans video app • … Read more

UFVAlumni Book Club (online)

The UFV Alumni Association is excited to announce the launch of the UFV Alumni Book Club. In this virtual community, alumni, faculty and staff will connect with each other to read and discuss books on a range of topics and member suggestions. There is no cost to participate – you only have to obtain a … Read more

Weaving Knowledge Systems — Sept 1-4

Weaving Knowledge Systems (formerly Indigenizing the Curriculum) is a workshop that provides you with hands-on experience and resources that will bring together Indigenous and Western worldviews based on your subject area. This workshop is designed for those who have previously completed a course/workshop on Decolonization and Reconciliation. Priority given to those who have completed the … Read more

UFV Library Select & Collect Service

Although UFV Libraries in Abbotsford & Chilliwack remain closed due to COVID-19, the Library is offering Select & Collect, a curbside-like pickup service for students, employees, and alumni. Initially this service will only be available at the Abbotsford campus library, four days/week, Monday-Thursday, 12-4 pm (excluding holidays). To start, books from the Abbotsford campus library, … Read more

UFV Library Select & Collect Service

Although UFV Libraries in Abbotsford & Chilliwack remain closed due to COVID-19, the Library is offering Select & Collect, a curbside-like pickup service. To start, this service will only be available at the Abbotsford Library. What’s available? Books from the Abbotsford library, including English language learning books, just-received books, and books that are in process, … Read more

Faculty Sabbatical Leave Workshop Aug 26

Are you a UFV faculty member interested in applying for a 2021-2022 sabbatical leave? Ask questions and receive feedback before submitting your application by attending our online Sabbatical Leave Workshop: • Wednesday, August 26, 2020 • 10 – 11:30am • Bluejeans video conferencing app • Facilitated by Dr. Garry Fehr, AVP, Research, Engagement, and Graduate … Read more

Weaving Knowledge Systems

Weaving Knowledge Systems (formerly Indigenizing the Curriculum) is a two-day workshop that provides you with hands-on experience and resources that will bring together Indigenous and Western worldviews based on your subject area. This workshop is designed for those who have previously completed a course/workshop on Decolonization and Reconciliation. Priority given to those who have completed … Read more

Graduate students needed

Senate’s Graduate Studies Committee has 2 graduate student positions available for the upcoming 2020-21 year. Gain valuable leadership and volunteer experience while completing your studies! Senate’s standing committees carry out the business of Senate. Senate is the academic governing body at UFV responsible for managing policies concerning academic matters, and advising the Board on policies … Read more

Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation

During our time together, we will go through a journey to discover challenges and best practices in decolonizing the classroom, and our education practice. You must complete this workshop before taking the Working Knowledge Systems workshop. August 25 – 28, 2020 Online Synchronous Sessions 10-11am & 3-4pm Facilitator: Lorna Andrews, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Indigenization … Read more

MicroCourse 4 – Create a Compelling Discussion Forum

MicroCourse 4 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Discussion Forum. This MicroCourse will cover Student led discussions, self and peer assessment, grading and assessing student activity Date(s): Tuesday, August 11 from 11am – 12pm Facilitator: Ken Harmel, Learning Designer These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these MicroCourses … Read more