School of Business Research Development seminar a success

The UFV School of Business Research Development program facilitated a focus-group research seminar on Fri, Feb 13. This half-day, hands-on workshop introduced different types of qualitative research techniques such as observation techniques, in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective techniques, ethnographies, semiotics, as well as other qualitative methods. Participants viewed and analyzed a short video presentation of … Read more

New employees and moves/changes

Welcome to the following new employees, and congratulations to those who have taken on a new role at UFV: Christine Zapisocki – Manager, Housing & Residence Jelisa Fast – Database Assistant, University Advancement Jodi Noble – Disability Advisor, Disability Resource Centre Charline Johnsen – Department Assistant, SCMS, moved from Administrative Assistant, Arts Advice Centre Pamela … Read more

Warm weather unusual but not abnormal: Steve Marsh

Steve Marsh, Geography and the Environment department head, spoke to local radio recently about our warm winter weather: Warm weather unusual but not abnormal: expert Steven Marsh explains this winter can’t, by itself, be taken as proof of global warming VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – It’s Mid-February and you can almost leave the jacket at home as … Read more

Reaching out Together: Connections Through Social Work — April 28-May 1

The School of Social Work and Humans Services invites you to attend an exciting conference at UFV. Registration for Reaching out Together: Connections Through Social Work is now open at Eventbrite please register here. The conference will provide a variety of learning opportunities such as applicable practice-based workshops, themed networking sessions, and insightful presentations delivered … Read more

Teaching Matters workshop — Evaluation Design

Evaluation Design This workshop will discuss and demonstrate the advantages of multiple assessment tools and how to increase the number of ways that students are evaluated. Wed, Mar 25 11:30 am–12:30 pm Facilitator: Molly Ungar These workshops are for all faculty and staff. Please email if you want to attend or would like more … Read more

Understand more about your freedom to read

The Abbotsford campus library has a new display celebrating Freedom to Read week (February 22-28, 2015). This display encourages everyone to think about and embrace their right to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This display will be up until the end of March. More information can be found … Read more

Join the UFV 2025 conversation — post on UFV 2025 blog

What should UFV look like in 2025? Have your say at:  This broad question comprehends more specific ones, including: What does learning look like in 2025? What does the student look like in 2025? What do educational units (departments, disciplines, etc.) look like in 2025? What does a course look like in 2025? What … Read more

UFV 2025 reading list

A reading list for the UFV 2025 visioning exercise has been compiled and new material is added regularly. If you are interested in reviewing the list, it is located at  Feel free to suggest other resources and/or materials through the discussion board.

New video showcases installation of Chancellor Gwen Point

An engaging 84-second video showcasing Dr. Gwen Point’s installation as UFV’s Chancellor is now available for viewing on multiple platforms. Created by former UFV student Jesse Kaufman, in collaboration with UFV’s University Relations department, the  video has already garnered more than 1,200 views via UFV’s Facebook page ( It’s also available on YouTube here, and … Read more

Nominations for student speakers at Convocation 2015

Nominations are being sought for student speakers at convocation, June 11 and 12. Selection as a student speaker is considered an honour for a graduate. Those selected receive an honorary certificate acknowledging they were a student speaker at convocation, and will be profiled in convocation publicity. Space is made available for their guests in the … Read more

Policy Consultation on revisions to Course Credits (105) policy (former title Assignment of Course Credits)

The Course Credit (105) policy (former title Assignment of Course Credit policy) has been rewritten and is being circulated for further consultation. This policy review examined the credit-hour measure and course credit policies. The old policy resulted in inconsistent credit assignment across the institution. As part of the consultation process, the UEC policy subcommittee invites … Read more

A Critical Response to the Proposed Barbaric Cultures Act — panel on March 19

In commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which is celebrated yearly on March 21, the Race and Anti-Racism Network  (RAN) will be presenting a round table discussion on the Barbaric Cultures Act being proposed by the Federal Government of Canada. This UFV panel will by led by Vancouver based lawyer … Read more

Research Lecture Series– Yvon Dandurand — Mar 4

Come out and attend the final lecture in the 2014-15 Research Lecture Series! Justice and Peace Building: Transforming Criminal Justice Institutions in Conflict-Afflicted Societies Wed Mar 4 4 pm Abby B101 For more information, contact Yvette Fairweather at 03/05/2015