Student Graduate School Scholarship workshop — Oct 18 (tell your students)

Student Graduate School Scholarship workshop The research office is hosting a workshop for students who plan to apply for NSERC, SSHRC & CIHR scholarships for graduate school. Research Services director Brad Whittaker will give a presentation, go through an application step by step, and answer any questions. Please join us: Tues, Oct 18 Abby A225 … Read more

Upcoming Learning & Development workshops for employees

Check out the learning and development opportunities available for employees:   Tues, Oct 25 Increasing Your Personal Resilience (webinar) Tues, Nov 8 Building Emotional Intelligence Thurs, Nov 24 Super Foods (webinar) For more details, please visit the UFV Learning and Development page. This list will be updated frequently; please check back often. To register, contact … Read more