MicroCourses — Online Teaching Fundamentals — October schedule

The Teaching and Learning Centre is offering an ongoing MicroCourse series of workshops (essential Blackboard tools for online courses), with synchronous sessions for each MicroCourse scheduled weekly. Upcoming Schedule: MicroCourse 1 — Course Organization — Tues, Oct 6 at 11 am MicroCourse 2 — Adapting Instruction — TBA MicroCourse 3 — Assessments — Thurs, Oct … Read more

Election for student reps on Science Faculty Council — voting closes Oct 2

The Science Faculty Council has received the following nominations for student representatives to serve from October 2020 through to May 2021. 1. Connor FREY (statement included) 2. Jasdeep GILL (statement included) 3. Kylie HERMAN (statement included) 4. Kennth KU 5. Steven PANKRATZ (statement included) 6. Jordan PENNER (statement included) 7. Kabeer POONIA (statement included) 8. … Read more

Mental Health Screening Week — Oct 5-9

Feeling down, worried or burnt out? Curious about mental wellness or ways to take care of yourself? Between October 5–9, UFV Counselling is hosting Mental Health Screening week online. Book an appointment to attend a confidential mental health screening virtual or phone session and debrief with a UFV counsellor. Screenings for wellness, depression, anxiety, and … Read more

WeVu Workshop — Sept 22

A platform that can host videos made by students and faculty. WeVu allows video annotations and time-stamped feedback. An easy to use tool where students and instructors can comment inline with a video. Workshop Schedule: WeVu – Tues, Sept 22 from 10-11am – – http://events.ufv.ca/tlc/events/wevu-workshop-5/ For more information, contact Leah Lyon at tlcevents@ufv.ca 09/25/2020

Padlet Workshop — Sept 23

A synchronous or asynchronous application that can support activities like posting Post-it notes to a whiteboard for generating/collaborating on. A colourful and engaging medium to share ideas that is very simple for students to post anonymous entries. It is an alternative to a shared whiteboard and is simple for instructors to set up. Workshop Schedule: … Read more

Zoom Workshop

Zoom is a great online meeting app! Zoom is an alternative to Collaborate Ultra. With more participants’ video feeds and stability, Zoom is a great for meeting your students out of Blackboard. However, Zoom needs installation of an app. – – http://events.ufv.ca/tlc/events/zoom-workshop-5/ For more information, contact Leah Lyon at tlcevents@ufv.ca 09/23/2020

Camtasia Workshop — Sept 24

Camtasia can be a great tool for your videos! Camtasia is a screen recorder and video editor that can be used to create and edit video tutorials and other instructional videos. Workshop Schedule: Camtasia — Thurs, Sept 24 from 10-11 am – – http://events.ufv.ca/tlc/events/camtasia-workshop-4/ For more information, contact Leah Lyon at tlcevents@ufv.ca 09/24/2020

PeerScholar Workshop — Sept 23

PeerScholar is much more than just a self-and peer assessment tool Have you wanted to help develop your students’ metacognitive skills? Are you designing activities and assessments that promote transferrable skills such as critical, creative and analytic thinking? Have you thought about how students can improve their ability to accept “sh*t sandwiches” and work with … Read more

MicroCourse 4 — Create a Compelling Discussion Forum — Sept 21

MicroCourse 4 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Discussion Forum This MicroCourse will cover Student led discussions, self and peer assessment, grading and assessing student activity Mon, Sept 21 from 3-4 pm Facilitator: Ken Harmel, Learning Designer These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these MicroCourses is the … Read more

Breaking the cycle of procrastination workshop: building awareness, compassion, and tools to more effectively engage in learning — Sept 30, Oct 7, Oct 14

Do you deal with procrastination and find yourself avoiding homework? Do you have high standards that get in the way of starting your work? Has the transition to online learning been difficult? Learn better ways to stay engaged with your learning! This workshop is offered by UFV counselling over three weeks and will involve self-reflective … Read more

1 student & 1 staff needed to help select faculty award recipient

Want to help select the 2021 Faculty Service Excellence award recipient? The Faculty Standards Committee of Senate seeks one student and one staff member to join the selection committee for the 2020-21 year. What about the commitment? It’s not a huge commitment. The committee meets 2 or 3 times, between December and February, depending on … Read more

Connect with a peer for support!

Need to chat with a peer? We are here for you! We are excited to introduce the PRLC Peer Support Line, booking appointments Monday to Friday from 5-11 pm! The Peer Support Line is a one-on-one audio and chat peer support resource facilitated by trained peer leaders through Blackboard Collaborate. Our peer leaders employ active … Read more

Policy Consultation — Policy 85 Reserved Seats — to be rescinded

The University Secretariat invites your feedback on the following policy that has been recommended to be rescinded. Reserved Seats (85). Supporting documents are available at: https://www.ufv.ca/secretariat/policies/updates/policy-in-consultation/ If you have any feedback, please submit your comments to Policyconsult@ufv.ca by October 6, 2020. Thank you for your input. For more information, contact Marlene Affleck at marlene.affleck@ufv.ca 10/06/2020


Antigone Adapted and Directed by Shelley Liebembuk Based on English translation by Ian Johnston Performances: November 25-27, 2020 at 7 pm and November 28, 2020 at 2 pm * Performances will be live, via a virtual platform. Seeking 6 Performers for this contemporary take on Sophocles’ powerful tragedy about the individual’s struggle to resist injustice. … Read more