Transgender Day of Remembrance — Nov 20

The Faculty and Staff Association, and the Student Union Society will be co-hosting Adrienne Smith, a trade union activist & advocate for transgender inclusion, to speak about: The history and continued violence against transgender people, and what society can do to become more inclusive of transgender rights. Please join us for this FREE event. To … Read more

The Great Agitator: Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. A discussion with Dr. Carl Peters — Oct 24

Join us for a discussion with Dr. Carl Peters on A Great Agitator: Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. Someone said: anyone can make you cry but it takes a genius to make you laugh. Charlie Chaplin in his films points out that it is a little more complicated than that. He shows us that in … Read more

What To Do With Your History Degree? — Oct 21

What to Do With Your History Degree is an event organized by the Association of History Students to showcase professions that are available for history students. This event allows university students to hear from past history students about their experiences in the workplace. Current history students are able to hear from alumni about job opportunities … Read more

Advanced Word Workshop — Nov 13

Learn advanced Microsoft Word skills. Topics may include form, index, table of contents, and tab stop creation. Review and revising documents and document protection. Facilitator: Courtney Boisvert CRN: To register, please contact the Office of the Registrar quoting your employee number and CRN 80369 Email: Phone: 604-854-4501 Questions: For more information, please contact Tara … Read more

Expert in sustainable communities to speak at UFV Oct 18

Expert in sustainable communities to speak at UFV Oct 18 Gerben van Straaten believes in a “fundamentally different approach” to sustainable urban development. Drawing from 28 years’ experience in business, economics, and real estate, he travels the world sharing his “radical hope for the power of collective and collaborative efforts around community development” to tackle … Read more

International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating — Oct 16

What is “contract cheating”? “The term contract cheating describes the form of academic dishonesty where students get academic work completed on their behalf, which they then submit for academic credit as if they had created it themselves.” What is the International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating? The International Center for Academic Integrity ( … Read more

Employee Halloween Party — Oct 31

UFV and the FSA invite you to a fun-filled Halloween party on Thurs, Oct 31. Come and enjoy some pizza, pop, dessert and prizes for the best costumes! Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 28 to or to Thurs, Oct 31 Noon-1:30 pm Abby U-House, Room F124 and Chwk 1362 For more information, contact … Read more

Emerging Directors’ Showcase — April 23 & 24, 2020

Emerging Directors’ Showcase April 23 -24, 2020 The Emerging Directors’ Showcase is the final project presented by UFV Theatre’s fourth-year directing class. The showcase provides a chance for students to apply everything they have learned in the course. Audiences can expect a wide range of performances, ranging from raunchy physical comedy to thought-provoking and disturbing … Read more

UFV Theatre presents Art by Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton — Nov 14-23

Art by Yazmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton Directed by Parjad Sharifi Nov 14-23 Art is an award-winning comedy written by Yasmina Reza. It was the recipient of the 1998 Tony Award for best play and the 1996 Olivier Award for best comedy. The play includes three male characters, Marc, Serge, and Yvan, who are … Read more

Richard III by William Shakespeare — March 2020

Adapted and Directed by Anna Griffith March 11–21, 2020 A kingdom, a horse, and lots of blood. King Richard III. Richard III raises questions about political corruption and coercion as we follow the story of Richard’s violent rise to power. Shakespeare offers us a portrait of the ultimate villain who is simultaneously charming and ruthless. … Read more

Exploring Diversity: A UFV alumni dialogue on culture, ethnicity, and identity through the arts — Oct 22

The arts open spaces for the exploration of diversity, with different perspectives claiming inclusion as an intrinsic value. Sharing ideas that bring to light both professional and personal experiences, five artists will give examples of leadership/best practices and future work that needs to be undertaken in the field. Join us on Tues, Oct 22, at … Read more

Metis Day — Oct 29

MÉTIS DAY AWARENESS The traditional culture of our Métis ancestors, shaped by nature, still exert strong influence on generations today, from spirituality to political attitudes. There is an undeniable relationship between Métis culture and the way history, traditional knowledge systems, healing practices, values and norms and political and legal customs are interpreted. This relationship governs … Read more