Conflict, Refugees and Children — March 24

This event is for those interested in learning about Global Development. Come learn first-hand from individuals working in Kenya and South Sudan.

This event is open to the public for the expressed purpose of educating the community on these global issues as well as their effects on the local community.

Guests from Kenya and South Sudan, representing Save the Children, will offer
first-hand perspectives on children and families suffering the experience of living in armed conflict zones. In offering these global accounts, individuals in our
community — whether they work for a local humanitarian organization or simply have an immigrant friend or next door neighbor — will walk away with a greater understanding of the global issues that led to the growth of our local immigrant and refugee population. So long as global conflict abounds, our community will continue to contend with the influx of newcomers and the suffering that has driven them from their homes—and we must be prepared to welcome these families and understand the complexity of their stories. This event will help the community deepen their understanding of global conflicts driving families to seek a better life in Canada and therefore, enhance their ability to serve the local immigrant and refugee community with compassion and empathy.

*Sponsored by Save the Children.

Tues, March 24
7-9 pm
Abby B101 (Lecture Theatre)

For more information, contact Aimee Fauteux at
