Backyard flix — Top Gun: Maverick on the campus green — Sept 8

SUS and UFV International will host an outdoor movie night featuring Top Gun: Maverick. Snacks and pop will be provided, but make sure to secure your ticket! Fri, Sept 8 7-10:30 pm Abbotsford campus green For more information, contact Gabriella Wertheimer Cinque at 09/08/2023

Building Solidarity: Anti-casteism at UFV — Sept 19

Please join us in lending support and building solidarity for anti-casteism at UFV by attending an event in collaboration with the UFV Library on September 19 in the UFV Library Rotunda at 11am. On this day, we will install a painting of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (the architect of the Indian constitution and a visionary … Read more