UFV School of Creative Arts presents Rhinoceros — Mar 14-23

Presented by the UFV School of Creative Arts Acting and Production classes, Rhinoceros is a humorous and absurdist masterwork by Eugène Ionesco, written in 1959. Parjad Sharifi directs the play, which comments on the dangers of conformity and acts as a metaphor to depict the rise of fascism and totalitarian ideologies. Rhinoceros challenges audiences to … Read more

Campus engagement expos – Jan 17 and 24

Discover opportunities to get involved on the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses. Expos take place Wednesday, Jan 17, at UFV Chilliwack and Wednesday, Jan 24, at UFV Abbotsford, highlighting upcoming events, and campus work opportunities. The expo includes more than 40 student clubs and associations, and UFV and SUS services will be showcased. There will also … Read more

Advanced Excel — Apr 16

At a webinar on Thursday, April 16, learn advanced skills in Microsoft Excel through Blackboard Collaborate. Topics may include financial functions, table creating and manipulation, PivotTables and PivotCharts, custom formatting, and consolidating data. Courtney Boisvert facilitates. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/advanced-excel-tickets-781435453477. Thu, Apr 16, 2024 1:30 to 3 pm Online For more information, contact Tara Rozenek at … Read more

Stretching break – Learn stretches at your desk — Mar 7

Learn about how stretching at your desk can make your work day better during a webinar on Thursday, March 7. The discussion is facilitated by Jason Dallavalle, manager, environmental health and safety. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stretching-break-learn-stretches-at-your-desk-tickets-772373719587. Thu, Mar 7, 2024 Noon to 12:30 pm Online via Teams For more information, contact Tara Rozenek at tara.rozenek@ufv.ca. 03/07/2024

Who are we? — Feb 27

What do we know about systems and what behaviours in those systems surprise us? Which mask have you chosen to wear? Is the team you are on a great team? A session at UFV Abbotsford on Tuesday, Feb 27, provides the opportunity to briefly get behind one your masks and learn about why organizations, teams, … Read more

Stress and pain — Feb 21

Dr. Robin Armstrong from the BC Chiropractic Association talks about stress and pain during a webinar on Wednesday, Feb 21. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stress-and-pain-tickets-779715117907. Wed, Feb 21, 2024 Noon to 1 pm Online via Zoom For more information, contact Tara Rozenek at tara.rozenek@ufv.ca 02/21/2024

Polishing your interview skills — Feb 21

Do you have dreams about getting promoted but nightmares about the job interview process? In an interactive session at UFV Abbotsford on Wednesday, Feb 21, you will learn a systematic approach to preparing yourself for a job interview. This session is adaptable for positions of any level. You will learn about types of interview questions … Read more

The power of negative thinking: Alternatives to the B.S. of positive vibes — Feb 16

An online presentation on Friday, Feb 16, will summarize and expand on content framed in two books that shook up the therapeutic beliefs of Dr. Leanne Cianfrini, a typically-optimistic person with 20 years experience as a Cognitive-Behavioral Psychologist. The books are The Antidote: Happiness for People who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking (by Oliver Burkeman) and The … Read more

How to have the conversation if someone is struggling — Feb 15

During a webinar on Thursday, Feb 15, learn about mental health in the workplace and what steps to take to support individuals when you notice they are struggling. The Canadian Mental Health Association facilitates this discussion. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-have-the-conversation-if-someone-is-struggling-tickets-771920714637. Thu, Feb 15, 2024 Noon to 1 pm Online via Zoom For more information, contact Tara … Read more

Advanced Word — Feb 13

Learn advanced Microsoft Word skills through Blackboard Collaborate. Topics for a webinar on Tuesday, Feb 13, may include form, index, table of contents, tab stop creation, review and revising documents, and document protection. Courtney Boisvert is the facilitator. Email Courtney.Boisvert@ufv.ca by Feb 1 if you have specific topics you’d like covered. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/advanced-word-tickets-781434731317. Tue, … Read more

Incidents/near misses and hazard reporting — Feb 8

An online info session about incidents/near misses and hazard reporting takes place on Thursday, Feb 8 via Teams. It’s facilitated by Jason Dallavalle, manager of environmental health and safety. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/incidents-near-misses-hazard-reporting-tickets-772371713587. Thu, Feb 8, 2024 Noon to 12:30 pm Online via Teams For more information, contact Tara Rozenek at tara.rozenek@ufv.ca 02/08/2024

Resiliency during difficult times — Jan 31

At this online webinar on Wednesday, Jan 31, employees will learn how they can build resiliency even while experiencing normal reactions to difficult situations. Participants will develop an understanding of the impact current stressors have on their well-being, how to recognize the signs of stress, and how to react appropriately. The Canadian Mental Health Association … Read more