Mehftil — South Asian Folk Music event — Sept 19

Mehfil — South Asian Folk Music & Poetry event

The South Asian Studies Institute (SASI) invites you to come and join Mehfil, a South Asian Folk Music event, with poetry, singing, and music. The first event of this kind at UFV!

SASI has been recording, translating, and transcribing cultural treasures of South Asian music and poetry over the past six months. These recordings will be published as a collection in our South Asian Canadian Digital Archive. The amazing contributing artists led us to organize this event,  we are thrilled to have four of the artists we had the pleasure of working with perform.

Don’t hesitate and come over on September 19!
The event is free, and there will be refreshments.

Thurs, Sept 19
4-7 pm
UFV Abbotsford campus
Patio of Building K (K150)

For more information, contact Annet Holierhoek at
