EFCIE student researcher awarded US$70K scholarship for graduate studies at Ivy League university

Olena Bogdanov, an EFCIE student researcher and UFV alumna, has been awarded a US$70,000 scholarship to attend Cornell’s Dual Master’s program in Urban Technology in Fall 2022. The Dual Master’s program is centred around a major project, through which teams of students create and deploy advanced computing methods to make cities more sustainable.

Over the past two years, Olena has worked with Dr. Jon Thomas (BC Regional Innovation Chair, and Director at EFCIE) to develop a framework that facilitates the emergence of smart city ecosystems. Founded at the intersection of urban planning, computer science, and strategic management, researchers in this demanding field seek to discover efficient ways in which cities can harness their resources and processes to solve complex urban problems.

Solving complex problems can be challenging. EFCIE hopes to surmount this barrier by welcoming the collaboration of students and researchers across disciplines, according to Dr. Thomas. With the support of funding and mentorship, students are trained to tackle significant societal challenges and develop meaningful solutions.

A few years ago, Olena decided to pursue a degree in the Integrated Studies program to combine her interest in computer science, statistics, and geography. Going forward, she hopes to positively impact the quality of life of citizens and city sustainability.

“I am grateful to have connected with such a talented group of peers and mentors at UFV. EFCIE has given me the tools to challenge preconceptions and re-imagine the principles that will shape a better future.”

To learn more about research opportunities at EFCIE contact jon.thomas@ufv.ca
