UFV’s Peace and Reconciliation Centre is hosting a book launch featuring a suite of innovative and artistic books by local Indigenous and settler authors and organizations.
- Nicola Cambbell, with illustrations by Carrie-Lynn Victor, Stand Like a Cedar (Highwater Press)
- Melissa Kendzierski (UFV alumna), The Pulse of Poverty (Chilliwack Healthier Community)
- Chris Silver, Carrie-Lynn Victor, Kris Foulds and Laura Schneider, and with illustrations by Carrie-Lynn Victor, Semá:th Xó:tsa: Great-Gramma’s Lake (Reach Gallery)
- Nicola Campbell, Spílexm: Weaving a Recovery, Resilience, and Resurgence (Highwater Press)
Books will be available to purchase from The Owl and The Cat Bookery, The Reach Gallery, and Chilliwack Healthier Community.
Limited in-person space available. Vaccine passport and mask REQUIRED.
Event will also be hosted on Zoom (https://ufv-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7uZ_1y5HRBif50E96SwJVA).
Wed, Oct 27
6:30-8 pm
CEP 1457 and Zoom
For more information, contact Elicia Tournier at Elicia.tournier@ufv.ca