OReg admissions review continues

Continuing the work of the Admissions Review task force, OReg Admissions has been involved in an admissions review since May, 2013. Working with OReg team members, departments, and Millennium Consulting, OReg has worked very hard to review business processes and policies, with a goal of streamlining and automating several processes in order to provide applicants with a clear, prompt, positive response.

Phase I projects have included: email triggered communication, internal online reporting for communication between OReg Admissions and program areas, data clean-up, and web application configuration.
Phase I was completed in November 2013.

Phase II projects include: data clean-up, review of International Admission business processes, and development of automated processes to assist with new business processes implemented in phase I.
Phase II is expected to be completed in Summer, 2014.

We look forward to continuing collaboration with program areas in order to provide applicants with a clear, simple, prompt and positive admissions experience at UFV.

For more information, contact Delinah Marples at delinah.marples@ufv.ca
