Many at UFV will be saddened to hear that Gary Williams, a resident Elder with UFV’s Indigenous Student Centre, passed away on June 30, 2024.
Shirley Hardman, Associate Vice-President, Xwexwílmexwawt, prepared this statement:
“It is with a deep sense of loss that we inform our university community of the passing of long-time resident Elder Gary Williams. Our well-loved Elder passed on Sunday morning (June 30) at Chilliwack Hospital surrounded by his family. Gary came to UFV in 2017 to serve as an Elder. Uncle Gary, as he is known to most, was a master canoe puller, fisher, and Stó:lō historian. Living on the banks of the water at Skwah First Nation, Uncle Gary never missed a fish opening. He taught many to fish, repair their nets, and to read the river and the sky. Uncle Gary was never stingy; he shared generously any knowledge that he had with all those who wanted it. This is what made him a treasured Elder in the Indigenous Student Centre. The family is gathering at Skwah First Nation and will let us know when the prayers and service will be held.”
If feeling distressed hearing this news please contact us at: 604-795-2835 (8:30-4:30, Tues-Fri) Or by email at: isc@ufv.ca. Email will be monitored.