Territory Acknowledgement workshops — online and in person

Teaching and Learning specialist Lorna Andrews will facilitate these workshops, both face-to-face, and online.

The Face-to-Face (F2F) workshops
During this session, we will learn about Stó:lō’s relationship with S’ólh Téméxw. We will connect with the land and create a personal and culturally appropriate territory acknowledgment. We will be outside for this session (rain or shine), please dress appropriately and bring an umbrella in case it rains.

Online workshop
During this session, we will learn about Stó:lō’s relationship with S’ólh Téméxw. We will connect with the land and create a personal and culturally appropriate territory acknowledgment. The last part of the session will require you to be outside with your device.

F2F Workshops held at:

UFV Abbotsford campus (Indigenous Teaching Garden)

Wed, Sept 22 (12-1 pm)
Wed, Oct 20 (3-4 pm)

UFV Chilliwack campus (Shakespeare Reconciliation Garden)

Dates to be confirmed

Online Workshop (Zoom)

Wed, Nov 24 (5-6 pm)


For more information, contact Leah Lyon at tlcevents@ufv.ca
