One year in — A COVID-19 milestone

UUP professor Beverly Jones with a UFV facemask she received in her Welcome Back package, sent to employees in lieu of the usual in-person barbecue.

March 15 will mark one year since UFV announced a shift to a remote learning model for the remainder of the winter semester due to the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

This massive shift to studying, teaching, and working from home for the majority of UFV employees and students has been a challenge for everyone involved. Those whose work or studies require them to be on campus also face a new reality of safety protocols and culture change.

In the March 14 edition of UFV Now e-news, we will look back at our year of COVID-19, and we’d like your input.

What are some of your memories of the build-up to the pandemic? When did you first notice that things were getting weird?

What adjustments did you have to make to your teaching and/or UFV work due to the pandemic?

What have been your biggest challenges?

What are some of your coping strategies?

Do you have any COVID-coping life-hacks to share?

What do you miss most about being on campus?

Send your thoughts in two or three paragraphs to Anne Russell at

We’ll publish a selection of submissions.