Wu Dan, visiting scholar from Chengdu, China, wows crowd with art demo

On Wednesday, July 5, 2017, the UFV Visual Arts department presented Wu Dan, a visiting scholar from Chengdu, China. Wu Dan is Chair Professor and Graduate Supervisor in the College of Fine Arts at Sichuan Normal University, one of UFV’s international partners in Visual Arts. Based on the success of the VA department’s international study tour to SNU’s College of Fine Arts in May 2016, Professor Wu Dan starting making plans for an academic visit to UFV in Canada in order to enhance our universities’ growing relationship of exchange in Fine Arts. On July 5, 2017, nearly 60 people gathered at UFV’s Abbotsford campus to attend Wu Dan’s 2-hour lecture on Chinese Painting. The room was filled with UFV students, staff, faculty, and administrators as our special guest educated the UFV academic community on the tenets of traditional and contemporary Chinese painting and Chinese art history. Wu Dan’s lecture encompassed an array of images, such as depictions of freestyle and meticulous approaches to flower, bird, mountain, tree, and figure painting. Traditional ink painting materials were explored and the lecture culminated in a live painting demonstration where Wu Dan, using Chinese ink brushes, black ink, watercolour pigments, water, and rice papers, created two works of art before the audience’s eyes: one in black ink featuring bamboo, and one in watercolour featuring loquat fruit. The art-filled room and bilingual nature of the event with its Mandarin-to-English translation and its reflections on Eastern and Western culture was an intercultural experience to remember. View more images online.

For more information, contact Jennifer Chew at jennifer.chew@ufv.ca
