UFV launches improved New Student Orientation format

UFV’s  Student Life department, in partnership with Academic Advising and UFV International, has unveiled a new format for New Student Orientation (NSO). Students starting at UFV this September will be invited to attend a two-part orientation program.

NSO Part I — Start Your Journey will introduce new students and their supporters to UFV’s academic expectations and to the services available to help students meet those expectations. This session will open with a Student Services fair and campus tours. Students will then head off to their academic program orientations, while their parents and supporters attend a special session on how best to support their student’s success. Elaine Newman, Director of the Advising Centre, explains that the new orientation format provides students with important information about their programs and the registration process, while also allowing students and their supporters an opportunity to ask questions of various service departments. NSO Part I will be held on May 18 and 26 at the Abbotsford campus and May 24 at the Chilliwack campus at CEP.

NSO Part II — Survival Guide will shift the focus to practical matters — the essentials students need to know and do in order to start their first year at UFV off in the right direction. This session will consist of a highly interactive, team activity that will help students work through their to-do lists and connect with their peers, staff, and faculty. NSO Part II will be held on August 30 at CEP and September 1 at the Abbotsford campus.

“With these changes, NSO will be more student-focused, supportive of the strategic enrollment management plan, and reflective of best practices in the field of orientation and transition programming,” explains Kyle Baillie, Director of Student Life and Development, “NSO has always been a team effort, but this year, we are working closely with several departments to offer new UFV students a coordinated and cohesive orientation experience.”

NSO will help new students successfully navigate the challenges and rewards of their first year at UFV.

For additional information about New Student Orientation, please contact Belinda Karsen, Student Transitions Coordinator, at local 4064 or Belinda.Karsen@ufv.ca.


