4th Biannual pARTicipate poster competition — call for entries

Homeless-Poster-BLUE-pARTicipate-NEW-FINAL34th Biannual pARTicipate Poster Competition

Call for Entries

Theme: Homelessness

Submission deadline: noon, Mon, Mar 21.

Eligibility: Open to all current students at UFV

Organizers: The UFV Visual Arts, and Graphic + Digital Design departments

Background: The pARTicipate Poster Competition has been running biannually since 2009 with its aim to foster visual/design and promote social awareness and activism. This year’s theme of homelessness provides the opportunity to think critically and with empathy while considering various causes and consequences of not having a home.

Objective: To bring awareness to shelter and poverty crisis as well as to emphasize an urgent need for affordable housing. For information on the state of homelessness in Canada, see: http://homelesshub.ca/sites/default/files/SOHC2014.pdf

Design objectives:

  • Convey a strong message instantly
  • It must be easily read from a distance-concept, image and/or words
  • Concise idea
  • Effective contrast, spatial depth and scale
  • Clear typographic application that emphasizes the message
  • Design is relevant, appropriate and engages the target audience

Target audience: The UFV community and the general public


  • Any mediums may be used
  • Poster design must be submitted in both print and digital formats
  • Print: 16″ x 22″/56 cm x 44 cm in portrait or landscape format-flush trim, full size
  • Digital: PDF
  • Include a written rationale with your submission (100 words in a word document)
  • Be sure to include your name, student number, and contact information on the back of the poster and your email submission
  • All print and digital entries must reach the Visual Arts Office, UFV, Abbotsford C 1402h
  • Email digital PDF and written rational to Vicki.Bolan@ufv.ca

Deadline: Noon, Mon, March 21, 2016,

Judging Criteria:

  • Originality: Innovation and effectiveness
  • Composition and Visual Hierarchy: Typography, image, colour and layout
  • Final Solution: Impactful and creates awareness

Results: The winners will be announced via email on April 12, 2016, and awarded with a variety of prizes. Selected posters will be exhibited at UFV.

For more information contact:

Vicki Bolan: Vicki.Bolan@ufv.ca, 604-854-4543, Office C1402h

