Red dresses sought for art installation

We are looking for red dresses.

Red dresses are needed (ASAP) for an art installation on the UFV Abbotsford campus in mid-October.  Any size, any shape, any style, and any red hue — we want them all.

Donations will be accepted as well as loaners.  All loaners will be returned to the owner immediately following the exhibit — none the worse for wear (we promise).  Dresses will NOT be worn — they will be hung. If you have hangers we would appreciate the donation of hangers as well.

We encourage you to scour your closets or head to the thrift store to buy a red dress and donate it. They are are needed by Oct 12.

Red dresses can be dropped off on Abbotsford campus to C1402c. In Chilliwack, red dresses can be dropped off at reception in Aboriginal Access Services (A1444).  In each location you will find a card to indicate if the dress is a donation or a loaner.

Thank you for participating in this project.  If you have questions or want to know more please contact Toni Latour at