Submit your favourite recipe to UFV Library’s cookbook project

UFV Library is putting together a cookbook to celebrate the newest addition to the library’s special collections: The Newman Western Canadian Community Cookbook Collection. This special collection of community cookbooks began in the Fall of 2014 at the suggestion of Dr. Lenore Newman, UFV’s Canada Research Chair in Food Security and the Environment. Cookbooks are being seen as important documents of material culture; they are a rich resource to understand the historical and social context of when the book was printed or published. They tell us a great deal about the community, of women’s roles and attitudes, and reflect the food ways of a particular place and point in time.

We plan to formally introduce our growing collection of culinary titles to the greater UFV community in September (date still to be determined), and to celebrate and generate interest, we are putting together a small cookbook of recipes submitted by the UFV staff and faculty.

We would be delighted if you would think about and submit a recipe for inclusion in the cookbook. Do you have a family favourite recipe, one that has been passed down through the years? Or do you have a “party piece” that you make time and again? If you plan to submit a recipe, can you include 2 or 3 sentences about the significance of the recipe to you and your family? Submissions should be sent to Mary-Anne MacDougall via email (contact info is below).

For more information, contact Mary-Anne MacDougall at local 4410 or
