Symposium on Scholarly Inquiry into Teaching & Learning Practice — call for proposals due Sept 20

Why Attend? This symposium gives educators in BC’s post-secondary institutions a venue to share their teaching and learning questions, gain insights and report on progress about ongoing investigations about their practice, as well as obtain feedback with a goal to network and connect educators across institutions and disciplines.

Scholarly inquiry involves educators investigating a question about their practice in an informal or formal manner to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. We would like to encourage anyone who has a question, a change they are making to their course or to institutional policy/governance, or an ongoing investigation around teaching and learning practice – to submit a proposal to this symposium.

Call for Proposals: Open now until Sept 20. There are two types of sessions – 50-minute ones and three-minute “bites” sessions! Event runs Nov 13.

For more information, contact Ruby Ord at
