UFV is transforming its Writing Centre into an Academic Success Centre to increase support for students.
The new centre will expand the support available to students across all disciplines, in addition to continuing to offer writing support. It will also serve UFV’s Qualifying Studies students very well, who will need assistance across multiple subject areas including ESL. The change to a cross-disciplinary, faculty-led, student-peer driven Academic Success Centre model is in line with best practices across Canada and the US.
As of April 1, 2015 administrative responsibility for delivering support for writing will be transferred to Teaching and Learning, led by Maureen Wideman. Work is underway on a transition plan with the aim to launch the new Academic Success Centre in the Fall of 2015. Students and faculty will continue to be served by the Writing Centre during this transition. There are no budget savings nor position reductions resulting from this change. We are expanding the level of service and support for students within the existing budget model.
For more information, please contact Maureen Wideman, Director, Teaching and Learning. maureen.wideman@ufv.ca