Senior Studio Open House & Multiples Exhibition

VA402-Poster-Open-House_1Join both VA402 and VA116
Wed, Nov 26, 5:30 – 7:30

VA402 Open Studio
Abby C1403, C1042, C Hallways
Join students for a rare opportunity and glimpse into their creative spaces and processes

…for all of the art that is about place, very little is of place – made by artists within their own places or with people who live in the scrutinized place, connecting with the history and the environment….Too much art “about places”, then is more about art and the place of art, that about the actual place where artists and viewers find them selves.”
Lucy Lippard, The Lure of the Local: Senses of Place in a Multicentred Society

VA116 “Multiples” Exhibition Opening Reception
This annual collaborative project with the unifying theme of “multiples” examines the space, nooks & crannies of the gallery and the psyche. The culmination of completed works installed into a unified installation has the objective of simultaneously engaging the audience with a physical, visual, psychological, and sentient experience.

For more information, contact Grace Tsurumaru at
