UFV students explore global indigeniety through internships — Nov 12

Getting hands-on experience is how we learn about the world, and how we learn about ourselves. The growth of experiential learning opportunities are growing at University of the Fraser Valley and in our communities.

On Wednesday Nov 12 from 2:30-4:00pm in B101, Abby campus, the event “Exploring Global Indigeneity through Internships” will highlight the journey of UFV students and active community members in how facilitating outside of the classroom learning experiences are transformational.

Current UFV Global Development Studies (GDS) students Makaela Peters & Bryanna Anderson will present and discuss their internship experiences working with indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Mexico and how these UFV GDS facilitated internships have had an impact on their lives and future career.

Arnold Blackstar, director of Aboriginal programs from Canada World Youth (CWY) will also present. He will explain the numerous programs and partnerships available to Aboriginal youth across Canada. CWY Programs for Aboriginal Youth aim to strengthen and support the capacity of Aboriginal youth to be leaders and discover other cultures by participating in local, national and international volunteer programs.

For more information about this, and all International Education Week events, please visit


For more information, contact Chelsey Laird at chelsey.laird@ufv.ca
