Adjunct prof hard pressed by UFV student questions

UFV adjunct professor Ged Martin reckons he’s done well to survive challenges from students in an upper-level history class, who asked him some tough questions.
The class, on pre-Confederation Canada, had read some of Ged Martin’s recent work on Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, and were keen to ask questions.
“I expected it would be a pleasant chat about material I think I know pretty well,” says Martin. “But students came at me from angles I hadn’t thought about before, and coming up with answers was a tough assignment.”
A complication was that Prof Martin was 7,000 km from the Abbotsford campus. Martin lives on the south coast of Ireland, and the class was conducted via Skype.
“Next time I get a grilling like that, I’m going to hit the button and claim the Internet connection has gone down,” jokes Martin.
The course is organized by Dr Barbara J. Messamore, with whom Ged Martin shares a research project on the role of Canada’s governors-general.

For more information, contact Ged Martin at
