Extended consultation for revisions to the Subsequent Degree policy (98) and a new Concurrent Degree policy

In April 2013, the Admissions Task Force was tasked with reviewing the Subsequent Degree policy (98) and creating a new policy on concurrent degrees as no policy exists.

Revisions to the Subsequent Degree policy (98) include rewording the requirements to improve clarity and to outline the conditions for obtaining a subsequent degree at UFV.

Further, a new policy on Concurrent Degree has been created, which outlines the conditions for allowing student to complete two bachelor’s degrees in two different faculties concurrently at UFV.

The University Secretariat is extending the consultation period in case someone was unable to provide feedback during the initial consultation. The University Secretariat invites the UFV community to submit collaborative or individual feedback to Lisa McMartin, Assistant to the University Secretary, at lisa.mcmartin@ufv.ca by 4 pm on Fri, Aug 29, 2014.

The draft policies are available on the Secretariat webpage at: http://www.ufv.ca/secretariat/policies_review/

For more information, contact Lisa McMartin at lisa.mcmartin@ufv.ca
