UFV participating in national study on Supporting Student Success

UFV has agreed to participate in phase three of a national study titled Supporting Student Success being conducted by Dr. Tricia Seifert from the University of Toronto (U of T).

This study is looking at how student service staff as well as faculty from each discipline help support students to succeed in realizing their academic and personal goals.

Phase three of the study has 11 different post-secondary institutions from across Canada participating. As a participating institution, UFV will receive aggregated data that will be useful in helping us meet our strategic goals.

The survey is completely anonymous and will only take a few minutes to complete. We encourage you to watch for an email coming to you soon entitled Supporting Student Success.

Dr. Seifert is committed to making the data from this project accessible to anyone interested. You can learn about the results of the project to date at www.supportingstudentsuccess.wordpress.com or on Facebook (Supporting Student Success page) or following the study on Twitter (@CdnStdntSuccess).

Dr. Linda Pardy will be serving as the liaison between UFV and the U of T. If you have any questions she can be reached at linda.pardy@ufv.ca.

We are hoping for an excellent response rate and would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to provide us with your contributions to this study.

Thank you,
Eric Davis
Provost and Vice President, Academic

Jody Gordon
Vice President, Students
