Guidelines for full-time employees to cancel pay parking deductions

Are you a full-time employee who wants to cancel the pay parking that is collected automatically through automatic payroll deductions? Follow these guidelines:

The parking rate structure is based on an annual rate of $300. This rate was calculated to exclude parking as a taxable benefit for employees at UFV.
In order to temporarily cancel (with the intent to later re-instate) automated payroll deductions for parking, one of the following situations must be applicable:

  • Planned maternity leave in excess of four months
  •  Planned educational or sabbatical leave in excess of four months
  •   Approved long-term disability (LTD) medical leave.

The above reasons to cancel the automated payroll deductions for parking will require the permit holder to relinquish their hanging parking permit to Facilities Services (B150) prior to the suspension of automated payroll deductions. Verification and confirmation of the cancellation will be maintained through the communication streams between Facilities Services and Finance.

The following list of reasons for the cancellation of the automated payroll deductions for parking ARE NOT eligible:

  • Short-term disability (STD) leaves
  •  Annual Vacation or Banked Time Off
  •  Leave of Absence (short-term)
  •  Utilizing alternative modes of transportation depending on season (bike, motorcycle, bus)

For more information, contact Natasha Collins at
