greenSPEAK Seminar – April 17 – Ozone Air Pollution in the Lower Fraser Valley

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Time: 3:30 P.M.

Date: Thursday, April 17th

Place: Abbotsford Campus, B101


Douw G. Steyn

B.Sc. University of Cape Town (Physics) (1967) B.Sc.(hons.) University of Cape Town (Physics & Applied Mathematics) (1968) M.Sc. University of Cape Town (Physics) (1970) Ph.D. The University of British Columbia (1980) Post-doctoral Fellow at The University of British Columbia (1980-82) Faculty at the University of British Columbia (1982-present). Study Leaves: Colorado State University, KNMI, ETH Zurich, University of Athens (1988-1989); CSIRO Canberra, NIES, Tsukuba (1996-1997); JRC Ispra (2002/2003); African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)  (2010-2011). I served UBC as Chair of Atmospheric Science (1994-1998), Director of Science One Program (1999-2002), Chair of Environmental Science Program (2008-), Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Interim Principal, College for Interdisciplinary Studies (2003-2006), Director of SCIE 113: First-Year Seminar in Science.


The Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada has experienced an evolution of ozone air pollution not unlike that seen in many western, industrialized cities.  I will explain the sources and origin and effects of ozone air pollution, with emphasis on the LFV.  I will show how air pollution in this region has changed in response to changing emissions, and how this change has been detected, and studied. I will provide a perspective on a the evolution of ozone air pollution in the LFV over the past two decades, and will attempt to look ahead into the future of ozone air quality in the LFV.

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