Winter grading choices

UFV recognizes the transition to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has required adjustments for many students as we collectively try and flatten the curve. The University is preserving the current grading system to allow most students to earn a letter grade. While the University encourages students to complete their courses on time, we have … Read more

Faculty and Staff: ZoomBombing | Remote Teaching | Records Management

It’s important to be aware of the stresses and demands working, living, and teaching in a pandemic environment can create. UFV encourages employees to access resources through the UFV Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP). Reliable, accurate COVID-19 health information is available through the BC CDC and Health Canada. Physical Distancing Please remember to remind … Read more

March 26 Updates

As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, our community’s reaction to it also changes. UFV is adapting and continuing to deliver education and services. We will get through this together. Please note the orange button at top right above the UFV Alert graphic. This button appears on every Urgent News Blog post and links to FAQs. If … Read more

COVID-19 UFV Community FAQs

Answers to questions concerning UFV’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are a student with further questions, including those about assignments or other program/course specific issues, please contact your instructor through regular communications channels such as email. STUDENT FAQs | FACULTY & STAFF FAQs | GENERAL FAQs New FAQs -I work remotely now. How … Read more